The general assembly hereby finds that there are areas of Colorado that suffer from a lack of health-care professionals, geriatric advanced practice providers, or behavioral health-care providers to serve, and a lack of nursing or other health-care professional faculty to train health-care professionals to meet, the medical and behavioral health-care needs of communities. The general […]
As used in this part 5, unless the context otherwise requires: “Advanced practice provider” means an advanced practice registered nurse, as defined in section 12-255-104 (1), or a physician assistant licensed pursuant to article 240 of title 12. (1.2) “Advisory council” means the Colorado health service corps advisory council created pursuant to section 25-1.5-504. (1.3) […]
The primary care office shall maintain and administer, subject to available appropriations, the Colorado health service corps. Subject to available appropriations, the Colorado health service corps shall provide loan repayment for certain eligible: (1) (a) (I) The primary care office shall maintain and administer, subject to available appropriations, the Colorado health service corps. Subject to […]
Beginning in the 2018-19 state fiscal year, the primary care office shall maintain and administer a scholarship program to assist in increasing the population of certified addiction counselors providing behavioral health-care services in health professional shortage areas. Subject to available appropriations, the primary care office shall award scholarships to help defray the education and training […]
There is hereby created in the primary care office the Colorado health service corps advisory council to review applications for participation in the Colorado health service corps and for scholarships under section 25-1.5-503.5 and to make recommendations to the primary care office pursuant to section 25-1.5-503 (2) and 25-1.5-503.5 (4). The advisory council consists of […]
On or before December 1, 2011, and on or before December 1 every two years thereafter, the primary care office, with assistance from the advisory council, shall submit to the governor, the health and human services committee of the senate, the health and insurance and public and behavioral health and human services committees of the […]
The Colorado health service corps fund is hereby created in the state treasury, which fund consists of: All general fund money appropriated by the general assembly for the Colorado health service corps, the first five hundred thousand dollars of which shall be used solely for loan repayments for nursing faculty; Damages and penalties collected from […]