When any law of this state refers to the executive director of the state department of public health or of the department of health, said law shall be construed as referring to the executive director of the department of public health and environment. Whenever any law of this state refers to the state department of […]
The revisor of statutes is hereby authorized to change all references in the Colorado Revised Statutes to the department of health from said reference to the department of public health and environment, as appropriate. In connection with such authority, the revisor of statutes is hereby authorized to amend or delete provisions of the Colorado Revised […]
There is hereby created a department of public health and environment, referred to in this part 1 and article 1.5 of this title as the “department”. The head of the department shall be the executive director of the department of public health and environment, which office is hereby created. The governor shall appoint said executive […]
There is created a state board of health, referred to in this part 1 as the “board”. The board consists of nine members, of which one member must be appointed by the governor, with the consent of the senate, from each congressional district and the remainder from the state at large. A vacancy on the […]
The board shall elect from its members a president, a vice-president, and such other board officers as it shall determine. The executive director of the department, in the discretion of the board, may serve as secretary of the board but shall not be eligible to appointment as a member. All board officers shall hold their […]
The executive director of the department shall: Have a degree of doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy, be licensed to practice medicine in the state of Colorado, and have at least one of the following qualifications: One year of graduate study in a school of public health; Not less than two years’ experience in […]
The executive director of the department shall appoint the director of the division of administration, pursuant to the provisions of section 13 of article XII of the state constitution. Each subdivision (and section) of the division of administration shall be under the management of a head, and such heads and all other subordinate personnel of […]
For the purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires: Repealed. “Federal regulations for participation” means the regulations found in part 442 of title 42 of the code of federal regulations, as amended, for participation under Title XIX of the federal “Social Security Act”, as amended. “Benefit residents of nursing facilities” means that a […]
In addition to all other powers and duties conferred and imposed upon the state board of health by this part 1, the board has the following specific powers and duties: To determine general policies to be followed by the division of administration in administering and enforcing the public health laws and the orders, standards, rules, […]
This section shall be known and may be cited as the “Health Care Credentials Uniform Application Act”. The purpose of the “Health Care Credentials Uniform Application Act” is to make credentialing more efficient, less costly, and less duplicative by making it uniform through the use of a single application form for the collection of core […]
In addition to the other powers and duties conferred and imposed in this part 1 upon the division of administration, the division, through the director or, upon the director’s direction and under the director’s supervision, through the other officers and employees of the division, has the following powers and duties: To administer and enforce the […]
Nothing in this part 1 shall prevent any incorporated city, city and county, town, county, or other political subdivision of the state from imposing and enforcing higher standards than are imposed under this part 1. Source: L. 47: p. 513, § 7A. CSA: C. 78, § 21(8). CRS 53: § 66-1-10. C.R.S. 1963: § 66-1-10.
The attorney general is the legal adviser for the department and shall defend it in all actions and proceedings brought against it. The district attorney of the judicial district in which a cause of action arises shall bring any civil or criminal action requested by the executive director of the department to abate a condition […]
Any person aggrieved and affected by a decision of the board or the executive director of the department is entitled to judicial review by filing in the district court of the county of his residence, or of the city and county of Denver, within ninety days after the public announcement of the decision, an appropriate […]
It is unlawful for any person, association, or corporation, and the officers thereof: To willfully violate, disobey, or disregard the provisions of the public health laws or the terms of any lawful notice, order, standard, rule, or regulation issued pursuant thereto; or To fail to make or file reports required by law or rule of […]
The division of administration of the department may institute a civil action or administrative action, as described in subsection (2.5) of this section, against any person who violates a final enforcement order of the department issued for a violation of any minimum general sanitary standard or regulation adopted pursuant to section 25-1.5-202. Such civil action […]
For the purposes of this section, a disclosure of information by a person or entity to any division or agency within the department of public health and environment regarding any information related to an environmental law is voluntary if all of the following are true: The disclosure is made promptly after knowledge of the information […]
The general assembly hereby finds and determines that, in order to encourage the regulated community to utilize the environmental self-audit provisions contained in this section and sections 25-1-114.5, 13-25-126.5, and 13-90-107 (1)(j), C.R.S., a pilot project is established. The general assembly hereby declares that the purpose of the environmental self-audit provisions contained in this section […]
Nothing in this part 1 shall authorize the department to impose any mode of treatment inconsistent with the religious faith or belief of any person. Source: L. 47: p. 517, § 15. CSA: C. 78, § 21(14). CRS 53: § 66-1-15. C.R.S. 1963: § 66-1-15.
Nothing in this part 1 shall be construed or used to amend or restrict any statute in force pertaining to the scope of practice of any state licensed healing system. Source: L. 47: p. 518, § 16. CSA: C. 78, § 21(15). CRS 53: § 66-1-16. C.R.S. 1963: § 66-1-16.