The general assembly finds and declares that noise is a major source of environmental pollution which represents a threat to the serenity and quality of life in the state of Colorado. Excess noise often has an adverse physiological and psychological effect on human beings, thus contributing to an economic loss to the community. Accordingly, it […]
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Commercial zone” means: An area where offices, clinics, and the facilities needed to serve them are located; An area with local shopping and service establishments located within walking distances of the residents served; A tourist-oriented area where hotels, motels, and gasoline stations are located; A […]
Every activity to which this article is applicable shall be conducted in a manner so that any noise produced is not objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency, or shrillness. Sound levels of noise radiating from a property line at a distance of twenty-five feet or more therefrom in excess of the db(A) established for the […]
Whenever there is reason to believe that a nuisance exists, as defined in section 25-12-103, any county or resident of the state may maintain an action in equity in the district court of the judicial district in which the alleged nuisance exists to abate and prevent such nuisance and to perpetually enjoin the person conducting […]
Any violation or disobedience of any injunction or order expressly provided for by section 25-12-104 shall be punished as a contempt of court by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two thousand dollars. Each day in which an individual is in violation of the injunction established by the court […]
Except for such vehicles as are designed exclusively for racing purposes, no person shall sell or offer for sale a new motor vehicle that produces a maximum noise exceeding the following noise limits, at a distance of fifty feet from the center of the lane of travel, under test procedures established by the department of […]
Counties or municipalities may adopt resolutions or ordinances prohibiting the operation of motor vehicles within their respective jurisdictions that produce noise in excess of the sound levels in decibels, measured on the “A” scale on a standard sound level meter having characteristics established by the American national standards institute, publication S1.4 – 1971, and measured […]
Except as provided in sections 25-12-103 (12) and 25-12-110, this article shall not be construed to preempt or limit the authority of any municipality or county to adopt standards that are no less restrictive than the provisions of this article. Source: L. 71: p. 651, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 66-35-8. L. 88: Entire section […]
The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that the imposition of inconsistent, outdated, and unnecessary noise restrictions on qualifying sport shooting ranges that meet specific, designated qualifications work to the detriment of the public health, welfare, and morale as well as to the detriment of the economic well-being of the state. The general assembly […]
An off-highway vehicle operated within the state shall not emit more than the following level of sound when measured using SAE J1287: If manufactured before January 1, 1998 ……………….. 99 db(A); If manufactured on or after January 1, 1998 ……………….. 96 db(A). A snowmobile shall not emit more than the following level of sound when […]