The general assembly hereby finds that: The department has responsibility for oversight of the emergency medical and trauma services system and the certification or licensure of emergency medical service providers. Emergency medical service providers are certified or licensed by the department to provide treatment and transport to the sick and injured. Emergency medical responders are […]
As used in this part 11: “Emergency medical responder” means an individual who has successfully completed the training and examination requirements for emergency medical responders and who provides assistance to the injured or ill until more highly trained and qualified personnel arrive. “Physician” means a person licensed pursuant to article 240 of title 12, in […]
On and after July 1, 2017, the department shall administer a voluntary registration program for emergency medical responders. A person shall not hold himself or herself out as a registered emergency medical responder, providing care or services as identified in national guidelines for emergency medical response as approved by the department, unless the person meets […]
The board shall adopt rules regarding the recognition by the department of education programs that provide initial training and continued competency education for emergency medical responders. The receipt of a certificate or other document of course completion issued by an education program or national certification organization is not deemed state licensure, approval, or registration. Source: […]
The department may administer oaths, take affirmations of witnesses, and issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of all relevant records and documents to investigate alleged misconduct by registered emergency medical responders. Upon failure of a witness to comply with a subpoena, the department may apply to a district court for […]