The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that it is in the public interest for the department of public health and environment to establish minimum standards and rules for retail food establishments in Colorado and to provide authority for the uniform statewide administration, implementation, interpretation, and enforcement of such minimum standards and rules. Such […]
As used in this part 16, unless the context otherwise requires: “Automated food merchandising enterprise” means the collective activity of the supplying or preparing of food or drink for automated food merchandising machines. “Certificate of license” means a grant to operate a retail food establishment without a fee, under the conditions set forth in section […]
The department is hereby designated the state licensing, certification, and food protection agency for the purpose of protecting the public health and ensuring a safe food supply in this state. In addition to such designation, the department is hereby authorized to regulate and control retail food establishments, promulgate rules governing the operation of such establishments, […]
The department has the following powers and duties: To grant or refuse licenses and certificates of license pursuant to section 25-4-1606, or to suspend or revoke licenses and certificates of license pursuant to section 25-4-1611.5; To promulgate rules for adoption by the state board of health pursuant to article 4 of title 24, C.R.S., for […]
An owner or operator of a retail food establishment shall submit plans and specifications to the department or a county or district board of health in the jurisdiction in which a retail food establishment is to be constructed or extensively remodeled before such construction or extensive remodeling is begun or any existing structure is converted […]
An application for a license or a certificate of license shall be filed with the department or a county or district board of health before any person may operate a retail food establishment in this state. The application shall be on a form supplied by the department and shall include such information as the department […]
Except as provided in subsections (1)(d.5) and (14) of this section, effective January 1 of the year following the increases specified in subsection (1.5)(a) of this section, each retail food establishment in this state shall be assessed an annual license fee as follows: A retail food establishment preparing or serving food in individual portions for […]
The executive director of the department or his or her designee shall convene a stakeholder group, including representatives from Colorado associations representing county or district public health agencies, county commissioners, retail food establishments, and any other party that represents a retail food establishment and expresses interest in participating. The department shall keep and maintain a […]
On or before January 1, 2017, the department shall solicit input from retail food establishments, contracted local public health agencies, county commissioners, and others with a vested interest in the retail food inspection program to establish a uniform system to communicate health inspection results to the public. The uniform system established pursuant to this section […]
On or before April 1, 2017, the department shall respond to all plans and specifications and HACCP plan reviews within fourteen working days after receipt, as required by section 25-4-1605 (4). On or before December 31, 2019, the department shall ensure significant statewide compliance with the federal food and drug administration’s voluntary national retail food […]
Fees collected by the department pursuant to section 25-4-1607 and penalties collected pursuant to section 25-4-1611.5 shall be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit them to the food protection cash fund, which fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The general assembly shall appropriate the moneys in the fund to the department […]
If a licensee believes that a county or district public health agency is taking regulatory action outside the scope of its authority, the licensee may file a written complaint with the department within thirty days after the licensee’s knowledge of the regulatory action. Within forty-five days after receipt of a written complaint pursuant to subsection […]
It is unlawful for: Any person to begin the construction or extensive remodeling of a retail food establishment unless such person has received department or county or district board of health approval of plans and specifications for such construction or remodeling pursuant to section 25-4-1605; Any person to operate a retail food establishment without a […]
If the department or a county or district public health agency finds that a licensee or other person operating a retail food establishment was provided with written notification of a violation of section 25-4-1610 (1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), (1)(e), or (1)(f) and was given a reasonable time to comply but remained in noncompliance, the person is […]
Any person adversely affected or aggrieved by a department decision to refuse to grant a license or certificate of license may seek judicial review in the district court having jurisdiction over the retail food establishment for which the application for license or certificate of license was made. Any other final order or determination by the […]
This section shall be known and may be cited as the “Colorado Cottage Foods Act”. The purposes of this section are to allow for the sale and consumption of homemade foods and to encourage the expansion of agricultural sales by farmers’ markets, farms, and home-based producers and accessibility of these resources to informed end consumers […]
Except as specified in subsection (3) of this section, a person may have a pet dog in an outdoor dining area of a retail food establishment if: The retail food establishment elects to allow pet dogs in its outdoor dining area; A separate entrance is present through which the pet dog enters and exits the […]
Each retail food establishment is encouraged to donate apparently wholesome food to one or more local nonprofit organizations for distribution to needy or poor individuals. Source: L. 2020: Entire section added, (SB 20-090), ch. 127, p. 549, § 1, effective September 14.
Short title. The short title of this section is the “Ranch to Plate Act”. Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Animal” includes cattle, calves, sheep, elk, bison, goats, hogs, and rabbits. “Animal” does not include fish. “Animal share” means an ownership interest of at least one percent in the meat […]