The general assembly hereby finds that: Although Colorado as a whole is a healthy state, African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans, who represent over twenty-five percent of the population, are disproportionately impacted by disease, injury, disability, and death; Compared to the state average: African Americans have a twenty-five percent higher death rate from heart disease, […]
As used in this part 22, unless the context otherwise requires: “Commission” means the health equity commission created in section 25-4-2206. Repealed. “Department” means the department of public health and environment. (3.3) “Equity strategic plan” means a strategic plan that identifies for certain state agencies the priorities, obstacles, goals, and timelines necessary to address identified […]
There is hereby created in the department the health disparities and community grant program, referred to in this section as the “grant program”, to provide financial support for statewide initiatives that address prevention, early detection, and treatment of cancer and cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases in underrepresented populations; and to positively affect social determinants of health […]
There is hereby created in the department of public health and environment the office of health equity. The executive director of the department, subject to the provisions of section 13 of article XII of the state constitution, shall appoint the director of the office, who shall be the head of the office. The office and […]
The purpose of the office is to serve in a coordinating, educating, and capacity-building role for state and local public health programs and community-based organizations promoting health equity in Colorado by implementing strategies tailored to address the varying complex causes of health disparities, including the economic, physical, and social environment. The office shall work collaboratively […]
There is hereby created in the office the health equity commission. The purpose of the commission is to serve as an advisor to the office on health equity issues, specifically focusing on alignment, education, and capacity-building for state and local health programs and community-based organizations. The commission shall be dedicated to promoting health equity and […]
As used in this section, “necessary document” means: A social security card issued pursuant to 42 U.S.C. sec. 405 (c)(2)(G); One of the following documents issued in Colorado or analogous documents issued in another jurisdiction: A driver’s license issued pursuant to part 1 of article 2 of title 42, C.R.S.; An identification card issued pursuant […]