As used in this part 9, unless the context otherwise requires: “Certificate of immunization” means one of the following forms of documentation that include the dates and types of immunizations administered to a student: A paper document that includes information transferred from the records of a licensed physician, registered nurse, or public health official; or […]
A student shall not attend any school in the state of Colorado on or after the dates specified in section 25-4-906 (4) unless he or she has presented one of the following to the appropriate school official: An up-to-date certificate of immunization from a licensed physician, physician assistant authorized pursuant to section 12-240-107 (6), advanced […]
Except as provided in section 25-4-903, no student shall attend any college or university in the state of Colorado on or after the dates specified in section 25-4-906 (4) unless the student can present to the appropriate official of the school a certificate of immunization from a licensed physician, licensed physician assistant authorized under section […]
(Deleted by amendment, L. 97, p. 409 , § 2, effective July 1, 1997.) A parent or legal guardian shall have his or her student immunized, unless the student is exempted pursuant to this section, or an emancipated student or a student eighteen years of age or older shall have himself or herself immunized, unless […]
The state board of health shall establish rules and regulations for administering this part 9. Such rules and regulations shall establish which immunizations shall be required and the manner and frequency of their administration and shall conform to recognized standard medical practices. Such rules and regulations may also require the reporting of statistical information and […]
The department of public health and environment shall annually evaluate the state’s immunization practices, including an examination of updated best practices and guidelines recommended by the advisory committee on immunization practices of the centers for disease control and prevention in the federal department of health and human services. The state board of health shall review […]
The county, district, or municipal public health agency; a public health or school nurse under the supervision of a licensed physician or physician assistant authorized under section 12-240-107 (6); or the department of public health and environment, in the absence of a county, district, or municipal public health agency or public health nurse, shall provide, […]
The department of public health and environment shall provide official certificates of immunization to the schools, private physicians, and county, district, and municipal public health agencies. Upon the commencement of the gathering of epidemiological information pursuant to section 25-4-2403 to implement the immunization tracking system, such form shall include a notice that informs a parent […]
A school official of each school shall suspend or expel from school, pursuant to the provisions of section 22-33-105, C.R.S., or the provisions established by the school official of a college or university or private school, any student not otherwise exempted under this part 9 who fails to comply with the provisions of this part […]
If at any time there is, in the opinion of the state department of public health and environment or the county, district, or municipal public health agency, danger of an epidemic from any of the communicable diseases for which an immunization is required pursuant to the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to section 25-4-904, no […]
The general assembly finds, determines, and declares that immunization of the population of this state is vital to the health of Colorado citizens and has demonstrated such finding by requiring such immunization pursuant to the provisions of sections 25-4-901 to 25-4-908. No person who administers a vaccine which is required under the provisions of this […]
The department of public health and environment, in consultation with other state departments, shall establish a joint policy on immunization data collection and sharing. The department of public health and environment shall provide assistance to schools with the analysis and interpretation of the immunization data. Source: L. 2014: Entire section added, (HB 14-1288), ch. 240, […]
The general assembly finds and declares it is necessary to establish a vaccinated children standard, whereby the immunization rate goal for every school is ninety-five percent of the student population to be vaccinated according to the school immunization schedule established by the state board of health pursuant to section 25-4-904. Achieving this immunization rate goal […]
All immunization and exemption data that is submitted to the immunization tracking system created in section 25-4-2403 is subject to the confidentiality provisions contained in section 25-4-2403. Source: L. 2020: Entire section added, (SB 20-163), ch. 134, p. 586, § 7, effective June 26. Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 20-163, see section […]