The department of public health and environment shall administer and enforce the water quality control programs adopted by the commission. In furtherance of such responsibility of the department, the executive director shall maintain within the division a separate water quality control agency. The director of said water quality control agency shall be employed pursuant to […]
The division shall: Carry out the enforcement provisions of this article, including the seeking of criminal prosecution of violations and such other judicial relief as may be appropriate; Administer the permit system as provided in part 5 of this article; Monitor waste discharges and the state waters as provided in section 25-8-303; Submit an annual […]
The division shall take such samplings as may be necessary to enable it to determine the quality of every reasonably accessible segment of state waters, wherever practical. In sampling such waters the division shall give consideration to characteristics such as those listed in section 25-8-204 (2), but if pollution is suspected the sampling shall not […]
The owner or operator of any facility, process, or activity from which a discharge of pollutants is made into state waters or into any municipal domestic wastewater treatment works shall, according to standard procedures and methods prescribed by the division: Establish and maintain records; Make reports; Install, calibrate, use, and maintain monitoring methods and equipment, […]
Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), on or before October 1 of each year, the division through the executive director shall report to the commission on the effectiveness of this article and shall include in such report any recommendations it may have with respect to any regulatory or legislative changes that may be needed or desired. The […]
The division has the power, upon presentation of proper credentials, to enter and inspect at any reasonable time and in a reasonable manner any property, premise, or place for the purpose of investigating any actual, suspected, or potential source of water pollution, or ascertaining compliance or noncompliance with any control regulation or any order promulgated […]
Whenever the division determines, after investigation, that any person is discharging or causing to be discharged or is about to discharge into any state waters, directly or indirectly, any pollutant which in the opinion of the division constitutes a clear, present, and immediate danger to the health or livelihood of members of the public, the […]
In addition to the authority specified elsewhere in this article 8, the division has the power to: Conduct or cause to be conducted studies, research, and demonstrations with respect to water pollution and the control, abatement, or prevention thereof, as requested by the commission; Furnish technical advice and services relating to water pollution problems and […]
The division may develop education programs for use by state and local governmental entities. The educational programs developed in accordance with subsection (1) of this section shall be designed to inform the public about storm water quality problems resulting from: The washing of motor vehicles on nonpermeable surfaces and the advantages of washing motor vehicles […]