To assure adequate operation of water and wastewater facilities, and to preserve the public peace, health, and safety, this article 9 and any rules authorized pursuant thereto are enacted to provide for the examination, classification, and certification of water and wastewater facility operators and to establish minimum standards therefor based upon their knowledge and experience, […]
As used in this article 9, unless the context otherwise requires: “Board” means the water and wastewater facility operators certification board. “Certificate” means the certificate of competency issued by the board stating that the operator named thereon has met the requirements for the specified operator classification of the certification program. “Certified operator” means the person […]
There is hereby created the water and wastewater facility operators certification board, which constitutes a section of the division of administration of the department and consists of the following ten members: A certified water treatment or domestic wastewater treatment facility operator with the highest level of certification available in Colorado; A certified industrial wastewater treatment […]
The board shall elect a chair and secretary each year and shall establish rules in accordance with article 4 of title 24, C.R.S., setting forth the requirements governing certification for water and wastewater facility operators, including: Application for certification; Admission to the examinations; Setting and coordination of examination schedules; Recording and issuing of certificates for […]
The board may select and appoint one or more independent nonprofit corporations to carry out the administration of the program and examinations. The board may promulgate a rule establishing the scope and standards of the independent nonprofit corporation’s duties. The contract must specifically address each duty or function required by law. To qualify for consideration […]
The division shall investigate instances of possible misconduct by water and wastewater facility operators, report the results of any investigation to the board, and make recommendations regarding appropriate disciplinary action to the board. Source: L. 2013: Entire section added, (SB 13-150), ch. 391, p. 2274, § 5, effective July 1.
The board may exempt wastewater facilities or classes of facilities from the requirement to operate under the supervision of a certified operator if the exemption does not endanger the public health or the environment. In determining whether to provide such an exemption, the board may consider the following criteria: Discharges of limited duration; The sensitivity […]
Persons who by specifically relevant examination, education, and experience are found to be qualified for certification as water treatment facility operators or water distribution system operators shall be certified as having the minimum qualifications required for each of the respective classes as established by the board by rules promulgated in accordance with article 4 of […]
Persons who by specifically relevant examination, education, and experience are found to be qualified for certification as domestic wastewater treatment facility operators or wastewater collection system operators shall be certified as having the minimum qualifications required for each of the respective classes as established by the board by rules promulgated in accordance with article 4 […]
Persons who by specifically relevant examination, education, and experience are found to be qualified for certification as industrial wastewater treatment facility operators shall be certified as having the minimum qualifications required for each of the respective classes as established by the board by rules promulgated in accordance with article 4 of title 24, C.R.S. (Deleted […]
Persons who by specifically related examination, education, and experience are found to be qualified for certification in more than one category of facility operators shall be certified as having the minimum qualifications required for such applicable multiple facility operator classes as the board may establish by rules promulgated in accordance with article 4 of title […]
Water and wastewater facility operator applicants must have a high school diploma or have successfully completed the high school equivalency examination, as defined in section 22-33-102 (8.5), C.R.S.; except that experience or relevant training may be substituted for the high school diploma or successful completion of the high school equivalency examination. Education, training as established […]
Any individual possessing the required education and experience may apply for certification in the manner designated by the board on such forms as required and approved by the board. The application shall be accompanied by such fee as required by section 25-9-108. Those applicants who meet the minimum qualifications as established by rules of the […]
Each application for certification shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount of fifteen dollars that is not refundable. The board shall adopt rules that set program fees in addition to the nonrefundable application fee in accordance with article 4 of title 24, and the fees must reflect the actual costs of administering the […]
Only a person who has been qualified by the board as a certified operator and who possesses a valid certificate attesting to this certification in this state shall have the right and privilege of using the title “certified water treatment facility operator, class ….”, “certified domestic wastewater treatment facility operator, class ….”, “certified industrial wastewater […]
It is unlawful for any person to represent himself or herself as a certified operator of any category and of any class without first being so certified by the board and without being the holder of a current valid certificate issued by the board. Any person violating the provisions of this subsection (1) is guilty […]