As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Board” means the state board of stock inspection commissioners, created by this article. (1.4) “Bovine livestock” means: All cattle and calves; and All sheep being treated as livestock at the request of the owner thereof. (1.5) “Division” means the division of brand inspection in the […]
There is created a state board of stock inspection commissioners, composed of five commissioners who shall be appointed by the governor, all of whom shall be actively engaged in the production or feeding of cattle, horses, or sheep, with the consent of the senate. Two of the members shall represent the nonconfinement cattle industry; two […]
All moneys coming into the hands of the board from the sale of estray animals shall constitute and be known as the estray fund, which fund is hereby created and continuously appropriated to the board, and shall be kept in an account separate and distinct from other accounts, in conformity with rules to be prescribed […]
The state board of stock inspection commissioners may establish a revolving fund from the estray fund or other available funds of the board in the amount of one thousand dollars to refund to the state treasurer or other persons for short checks deposited, duplicate collection of fees, recording fees on cancellation of brands, or other […]
Bovine livestock. The board is hereby authorized to levy and collect, through authorized brand inspectors, a per-head inspection fee in an amount determined by the board by rule on all bovine livestock inspected; except that the charges for livestock shipped directly to a licensed slaughter plant are as follows: For the first five hundred head […]