§ 37-1-101. Short Title
Articles 1 to 8 of this title shall be known and may be cited as the “Conservancy Law of Colorado”. Source: L. 22: p. 11, § 1. C.L. § 9515. CSA: C. 138, § 126. CRS 53: § 30-1-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 29-1-1.
Articles 1 to 8 of this title shall be known and may be cited as the “Conservancy Law of Colorado”. Source: L. 22: p. 11, § 1. C.L. § 9515. CSA: C. 138, § 126. CRS 53: § 30-1-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 29-1-1.
As used in articles 1 to 8 of this title, unless the context otherwise requires: “Conservancy district” means the districts created under articles 1 to 8 of this title; and the bonds which may be issued under articles 1 to 8 of this title may be called “conservancy bonds”, and such designation may be engraved […]
Articles 1 to 8 of this title, being necessary to secure and preserve the public health, safety, convenience, and welfare, and being necessary for the prevention of great loss of life and for the security of public and private property from floods and other uncontrolled waters, shall be liberally construed to effect the purposes of […]
Any director or other officer of any district organized under articles 1 to 8 of this title may be removed for cause after a hearing upon a motion filed by any interested person in the original proceeding in which the district was organized. Source: L. 22: p. 70, § 67. C.L. § 9581. CSA: C. […]
The performance of all duties prescribed in articles 1 to 8 of this title concerning the organization and administration or operation of a conservancy district may be enforced against any officer thereof or against any person or corporation refusing to comply with any order of the board of directors, by mandamus, at the instance of […]
All cases in which there may arise a question of the validity of the organization of a conservancy district, or a question of the validity of any proceeding under articles 1 to 8 of this title, shall be advanced as a matter of immediate public interest and concern and heard in all courts at the […]
In every case where a notice is provided for in articles 1 to 8 of this title, if the court finds for any reason that due notice was not given, the court shall not thereby lose jurisdiction, and the proceeding in question shall not thereby be void or be abated, but the court shall in […]
In any order of court the words “The court now here finds that it hath jurisdiction of the parties to and of the subject matter of this proceeding”, shall be equivalent to a finding of the existence of each jurisdictional fact necessary to confer plenary jurisdiction upon the court and necessary from the proper signing […]
All laws or parts of laws conflicting in any way with any of the provisions of articles 1 to 8 of this title, in regard to improvements of the character contemplated by said articles, or regulating or limiting the power of taxation or assessment, or otherwise interfering with the execution of articles 1 to 8 […]