The general assembly hereby finds and declares that the location and availability of water in this state varies greatly from place to place and that the state as a whole suffers a shortage of water. The general assembly further recognizes that, because of Colorado’s unique location at the headwaters of four of the nation’s major […]
It is the duty of the state engineer, the division engineers, and the water commissioners of this state to see that the waters of the state are available for the use and benefit of the citizens and inhabitants of the state for its growth, prosperity, and general welfare, and it is the further duty of […]
For the purpose of evaluating applications made pursuant to section 37-81-101, no water occurring in any aquifer or being a part of or hydraulically connected to any interstate stream system may be diverted or appropriated in Colorado for a use which contemplates or involves the transportation of such water into or through another state or […]
To effectuate the purposes of this article, the general assembly hereby authorizes a fee of fifty dollars per acre-foot to be assessed and collected by the state engineer on water diverted, carried, stored, or transported in this state for beneficial use outside this state measured at the point of release from storage or at the […]