The provisions of this article shall apply to all agencies of state, county, and local government as well as to individuals, corporations, and partnerships engaged in the private practice of land surveying. This article shall not apply to the location or relocation of mining claims pursuant to article 43 of title 34, C.R.S. Source: L. […]
As used in this article 51, unless the context otherwise requires: “Accessory” means any physical evidence in the vicinity of a survey monument, the relative location of which is of public record and which is used to help perpetuate the location of the monument. Accessories shall be construed to include the accessories recorded in the […]
Whenever a professional land surveyor conducts a survey for the purpose of locating a parcel of land which is described in terms of the nomenclature of the public land survey system, such professional land surveyor shall proceed according to the applicable rules contained in the current “Manual of Instructions for the Survey of the Public […]
The corners of lots, tracts, other parcels of land, aliquot corners not described in subsection (4) of this section, and any line points or reference points which are set to perpetuate the location of any land boundary or easement shall, when established on the ground by a land survey, be marked by reasonably permanent markers […]
Prior to recording a plat, the external boundaries of any platted subdivisions shall be monumented on the ground by reasonably permanent monuments solidly embedded in the ground. A durable cap bearing the license number of the professional land surveyor responsible for the establishment of the monument shall be affixed securely to the top of each […]
All land survey plats shall include but shall not be limited to the following: A scale drawing of the boundaries of the land parcel; All recorded and apparent rights-of-way and easements, and, if research for recorded rights-of-way and easements is done by someone other than the professional land surveyor who prepares the plat, the source […]
Every professional land surveyor who accepts a monument while performing a monumented land survey shall prepare and deposit a plat if such monument is not of record either in the clerk and recorder’s office of the county in which the monument lies or in the public office designated by the county commissioners pursuant to section […]
A professional land surveyor may prepare an improvement location certificate for the use of a specific client based upon the professional land surveyor’s general knowledge of land boundaries and monuments in a given area whether or not the client is the owner or buyer; except that, if the client is not the owner or buyer, […]
It is unlawful for any person to offer to sell, to sell, or otherwise to receive remuneration for any map or plat which purports to be a survey map or plat unless such map or plat conforms with the standards, requirements, and terminology of the provisions of this article. It is unlawful for any person […]
A professional land surveyor shall be exempt from the requirements of section 38-51-103 when making a GIS land position determination. A GIS land position made by a professional land surveyor shall have the following limitations: It does not meet the requirements of a land survey as defined in section 38-51-102 (11). It shall not establish […]
It is the responsibility of the district attorneys of this state to prosecute any person suspected of willfully and knowingly violating this article. Any person, including the responsible official of any agency of state, county, or local government, who willfully and knowingly violates this article is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall […]
If an error described in subsection (2) of this section is discovered on any subdivision plat, land survey plat, or any other survey plat or parcel description duly recorded in the clerk and recorder’s office of the county in which the subdivision, land, or parcel is situated, the professional land surveyor of record may prepare […]