As used in this article 15.7, unless the context otherwise requires: “Apprentice” means an individual who is sixteen years of age or older, except when a higher minimum age standard is otherwise fixed by law, and who is employed to learn an apprenticeable occupation under the standards of apprenticeship established by this article 15.7. “Apprenticeable […]
There is hereby created in the department the state apprenticeship agency. The executive director shall appoint a director of the SAA. The SAA shall: Serve as the primary point of contact with the United States department of labor’s office of apprenticeship; Accelerate new apprenticeship program growth on a geographically diverse basis, especially in high-demand occupations, […]
The director shall establish the state apprenticeship council to oversee registered apprenticeship programs for the building and construction trades in the state. The SAC consists of sixteen members appointed as follows: The director shall appoint ten voting members familiar with apprenticeable occupations as follows: Four representatives from employer organizations, one of whom represents a statewide […]
The director shall establish the interagency advisory committee on apprenticeship to oversee apprenticeship programs that are not within the jurisdiction of the SAC. The IAC consists of fourteen members appointed as follows: The director shall appoint eight voting members who represent, and are regularly evaluated to ensure that the representation aligns with, high-demand jobs, as […]
The chairs of the SAC and the IAC shall establish an ad hoc joint resolution committee of the SAC and IAC, referred to in this section as the “ad hoc committee”. The ad hoc committee consists of two members from both the IAC and the SAC appointed by the director. The ad hoc committee shall […]
On and after July 1, 2023, the SAA shall accept applications for the registration of apprenticeship programs pursuant to 29 CFR 29 and 30. Each apprenticeship program that registers with the SAA shall adopt a written diversity recruitment plan that ensures equal opportunity in the recruitment, selection, employment, and training of apprentices. The recruitment plan […]
Upon request of a hearing by the SAC or the IAC, the SAA shall conduct hearings for the purpose of resolving compliance issues or deregistration issues with a registered apprenticeship program. Within ten days after receiving a request for a hearing, the SAA shall designate a hearing officer to conduct the hearing. The hearing officer […]
The director may promulgate rules to implement this article 15.7, including rules that address: The eligibility requirements for apprenticeship programs to be registered by the SAA; The requirements for a person or entity to be a sponsor; The conditions and proceedings for curing noncompliance with this article 15.7 and for the deregistration of a registered […]