The general assembly recognizes omissions in the delivery of independent living services to individuals with disabilities and desires to remedy such inadequacies in the delivery system through services at the community level. The general assembly finds that independent living centers pave the pathways to full participation in professional and community life for all individuals with […]
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Base amount” means the equal amount of funding an independent living center would receive to provide the five independent living core services throughout its service catchment area, regardless of any other factors. “Cross-disability” means, with respect to an independent living center, that the center provides […]
There is hereby created within the department the office of independent living services. The purpose of the office is to oversee the contracts with independent living centers pursuant to this article. Subject to available appropriations, the office may contract with independent living centers for independent living core services. The executive director shall review expenditures in […]
Each independent living center shall maintain an individual consumer service record indicating the consumer’s choice of services, including an individualized independent living plan regarding the consumer’s choice of services or a written waiver of such plan. Source: L. 2016: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 16-093), ch. 54, p. 128, § 1, effective March 23. […]
The department shall promulgate rules setting forth standards for levels and types of core services. The rules and standards must comply with federal rules as defined in Title VII, section 725 of the federal “Rehabilitation Act of 1973”, as amended. The department shall also adopt rules that set standards for certification of independent living centers […]
The statewide independent living council created pursuant to the federal “Rehabilitation Act of 1973”, as amended, shall develop and revise the state plan for independent living to reflect the provisions of this article. Source: L. 2016: Entire article added with relocations, (SB 16-093), ch. 54, p. 129, § 1, effective March 23. Editor’s note: This […]
Each independent living center must meet the following requirements as a condition of the approval of its program: The program must be under the control and direction of a board of directors or trustees of a nonprofit corporation. The members must be persons with a demonstrated interest in programs for persons with disabilities and fifty-one […]
The executive director is authorized to accept, on behalf of the state, any grants of federal funds made available for any purposes consistent with the provisions of this article. As indicated in the general appropriations act, the executive director, with the approval of the governor, has the power to direct the disposition of any such […]
On and after July 1, 2016, the rights, powers, duties, and functions regarding independent living services vested in the department of human services prior to that date are transferred from the department of human services to the department of labor and employment by a type 2 transfer, as such transfer is defined in the “Administrative […]