§ 5131. Legislative intent. The General Assembly finds that it is necessary to provide child victims and witnesses with additional consideration and different treatment than that usually required for adults. It is therefore the intent of the General Assembly to provide each child who is involved in a criminal proceeding within the Superior Court with […]
§ 5132. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this subchapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) “Child” shall mean a person who has not yet reached their eighteenth birthday. (2) “Victim” or “witness” shall not include any […]
§ 5133. Expedited proceedings. In all criminal proceedings in the Superior Court involving a child victim or witness, the Court and the prosecution shall take appropriate action to ensure a prompt trial in order to minimize the length of time a child victim or witness must endure the stress of the victim’s or witness’ involvement […]
§ 5134. Additional rights and services. (a) A child victim or witness is entitled to an explanation, in language understood by the child, of all legal proceedings in which the child is to be involved. (b) A child victim or witness is entitled to be accompanied, in all proceedings, by a “friend” or other person […]