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Home » US Law » 2022 Delaware Code » Title 15 - Elections » Part IV » General Elections » Chapter 49. CONDUCT OF ELECTION » Subchapter II. Regulations Governing Conduct of Elections During Hours of Voting

§ 4931. Time and manner of opening election.

§ 4931. Time and manner of opening election. The general election shall be opened in every election district at 7: 00 in the morning, by the inspector making proclamation that the election is open. 21 Del. Laws, c. 38, § 17;  23 Del. Laws, c. 57;  Code 1915, § 1756;  32 Del. Laws, c. 100, […]

§ 4933. Persons permitted in the voting room.

§ 4933. Persons permitted in the voting room. (a) The following persons shall be admitted to the voting room: (1) Members and employees of the Department identified by a badge or written authorization; (2) The State Election Commissioner and the Commissioner’s employees identified by a badge or written authorization; (3) Persons voting and waiting to […]

§ 4934. Challengers; appointment and powers.

§ 4934. Challengers; appointment and powers. (a) Each of the political parties, acting through their respective county committees, may appoint and accredit some suitable person as a challenger. One challenger from any political party which is represented by a candidate in that district may be present inside the polling place and shall be permitted to […]

§ 4936. Order of voting; determination of challenge.

§ 4936. Order of voting; determination of challenge. Voters shall approach and enter the passage in the order in which they appear for the purpose of voting. If any person offering to vote is challenged by 1 of the challengers or by any 1 of the election officers, such person’s right to vote shall be […]

§ 4937. Voting procedure.

§ 4937. Voting procedure. (a) A voter, upon entering the room where an election is being held, shall announce that voter’s own name and address and provide proof of identity, whereupon the clerks shall place a mark or make a notation of his or her name upon the election district record. In the event the […]

§ 4938. Grounds for admitting a person to a voting machine.

§ 4938. Grounds for admitting a person to a voting machine. The election officers shall only admit to a voting machine a person whose name appears on the poll list, who is authorized to vote by the department of elections or who is authorized to vote by court order. 21 Del. Laws, c. 38, § […]

§ 4939. Determination of challenge based on identity of voter.

§ 4939. Determination of challenge based on identity of voter. If a vote is objected to for the reason that the person offering to vote is not the person whose original permanent registration record appears in the Election District Record, its admission or rejection shall be determined according to the opinion of a majority of […]

§ 4940. Disqualification because of bribery; determination of challenge.

§ 4940. Disqualification because of bribery; determination of challenge. (a) No person who receives or accepts or offers to receive or accept, or pays, transfers or delivers, or offers or promises to pay, transfer or deliver, or contributes or offers or promises to contribute to another to be paid or used, any money or other […]

§ 4941. Residency of voter.

§ 4941. Residency of voter. If a vote is objected to for the reason that the person is not a bona fide resident of the election district in whose record that person’s name appears, the following rules shall apply: (1) If any person who has resided within this State actually moves outside this State with […]

§ 4942. Electioneering in polling place; penalties; definitions.

§ 4942. Electioneering in polling place; penalties; definitions. (a) No election officer, challenger or any other person within the polling place or within 50 feet of the entrance to the building in which the voting room is located shall electioneer during the conduct of the election. No political headquarters or gathering shall be permitted within […]

§ 4945. Majority vote of inspector and judges of election.

§ 4945. Majority vote of inspector and judges of election. The concurrence or assent of a majority of the inspector of election and 2 judges of election in any election district is required for the valid exercise by such persons of any power, authority or duty conferred upon or required of them by this title, […]

§ 4946. Powers of election officers to preserve order during election; penalty.

§ 4946. Powers of election officers to preserve order during election; penalty. (a) The inspectors of election, from the opening of the election until all the duties and proceedings connected therewith are fully completed, may: (1) Command the peace; and (2) Require sureties of the peace from any person disturbing the election, or the officers […]

§ 4947. Time and manner of closing election.

§ 4947. Time and manner of closing election. The election shall be continued open until 8: 00 p.m. when it shall be closed. In closing the election the inspector and the judges shall, nevertheless, permit those electors to vote who have presented themselves and have offered to vote prior to 8: 00 p.m., provided that […]

§ 4948. Provisional ballots.

§ 4948. Provisional ballots. (a) Provisional ballots shall be used in primary and general elections conducted under the provisions of this title. Provisional ballots shall not be used in public school elections or municipal elections unless specifically authorized in Title 14, Title 15 and/or the respective town or city charter. (b) A person claiming to […]