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Home » US Law » 2022 Delaware Code » Title 15 - Elections » Part IV » General Elections » Chapter 50A. ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS

§ 5000A. Electronic voting system use.

§ 5000A. Electronic voting system use. In any general, special, or primary elections, an electronic voting system must be used and must comply with the requirements of this chapter. 63 Del. Laws, c. 409, § 1;  82 Del. Laws, c. 170, § 34; 

§ 5001A. Requirements.

§ 5001A. Requirements. (a) An electronic voting system may be adopted, purchased, or used if it meets all of the following requirements: (1) Each voting device must have a serial number permanently attached to or stamped to the device. (2) Secure to the voter secrecy in the act of voting for or against as many […]

§ 5002A. Compliance guarantee.

§ 5002A. Compliance guarantee. Before any electronic voting system is purchased, rented or otherwise acquired, or used, the person owning or manufacturing such voting device must give an adequate guarantee in writing and post a bond accompanied by satisfactory surety with the State Election Commissioner guaranteeing and securing that such voting devices comply fully with […]

§ 5003A. Use of voting devices; costs in municipal elections.

§ 5003A. Use of voting devices; costs in municipal elections. Electronic voting devices may be used throughout this State in all primary, general and special elections and in all municipal elections in all incorporated cities and towns of this State. In the event no contest exists, in municipal elections voting devices shall not be required. […]

§ 5004A. Number of voting devices per election district.

§ 5004A. Number of voting devices per election district. (a) In general elections, the Department shall supply each polling place with at least 1 voting device for every 650 registered voters or majority fraction thereof. (b) In primary and special elections, the Department shall supply each polling place with at least 1 voting device for […]

§ 5005A. Printing of ballots; distribution of ballots.

§ 5005A. Printing of ballots; distribution of ballots. (a) [Repealed.] (b) (1) The party emblem which has been duly adopted by a party in accordance with law and the party name or other designation for each political party represented on the device must appear on the ballot. (2) The titles of offices may be arranged […]

§ 5008A. Preparation of voting devices.

§ 5008A. Preparation of voting devices. (a) (1) The Department shall cause sufficient voting devices to be delivered to the proper polling places before the time appointed for the election officers to report for duty. (2) The Department shall certify that each voting device to be used in an election has been properly prepared and […]

§ 5010A. Inoperative voting devices.

§ 5010A. Inoperative voting devices. If during the conduct of an election a voting device becomes inoperative, the election officers shall seal it in such manner as to prevent further voting thereon. The Department shall maintain and hold in readiness a reasonable number of extra voting devices to be supplied to election districts where a […]

§ 5012A. Audits; audit discrepancy procedure.

§ 5012A. Audits; audit discrepancy procedure. (a) For purposes of this section, “audit” means counting by hand the votes on each paper ballot from a voting device and comparing the paper ballot totals to the totals kept by the voting device electronically. (b) Within 48 hours of the certification of the results of the primary […]