§ 5111. Neglect of duty by department member; corrupt or fraudulent conduct; penalty. Whoever, being a member of the Department, is guilty of any wilful neglect of any duty imposed by this title or of any corrupt or fraudulent conduct or practice in the execution of the same, shall be fined not more than $200 […]
§ 5112. Refusal of inspector or judge of election to serve; penalty. Whoever, having been appointed an inspector or judge of election in any election district, refuses to serve shall be fined $50. 21 Del. Laws, c. 38, § 11; Code 1915, § 1750; Code 1935, § 1839; 15 Del. C. 1953, § 5112;
§ 5113. Refusal of clerk of election to qualify or serve; penalty. Whoever, having been appointed a clerk of election, refuses to qualify or having qualified fails or refuses to perform any of the duties of the clerk of election’s office shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $100. Code 1915, § […]
§ 5114. Improper conduct of printer of ballots and ballot envelopes; penalty. If the printer of the ballot or envelope or any person employed in printing the same: (1) Knowingly gives or delivers or knowingly permits to be taken any ballots or envelopes by any person other than the department of elections for whom such […]
§ 5115. Improper use of ballot or envelope; penalty. Whoever: (1) Forges or falsely makes the official endorsement of any ballot or envelope; or (2) Prints or causes to be printed any imitation ballot or envelope or circulates the same; or (3) Conspires with other persons or induces or attempts to induce any other person […]
§ 5116. Tampering with voting machines; penalties. Whoever before the opening of the election registers any vote on a voting machine or at any time tampers with, disarranges, defaces, impairs in any manner or destroys a voting machine or any part thereof, including the ballots on its face, shall be fined not less than $300 […]
§ 5117. Unauthorized entering of voting room; penalties. (a) Whoever does not meet the qualifications of § 4933 of this title, and enters the voting room on the day of election other than to vote, shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 or imprisoned not less than 30 days nor more […]
§ 5118. Interference with election; penalties. (a) Whoever: (1) Enters or attempts to enter the voting room before the hour of opening the polls on the day of election or at the time of opening the election, or at any time during the day of the election and before the hour of closing the election […]
§ 5119. Feigning a physical disability to obtain assistance in voting; penalty. (a) Whoever, being an elector, feigns a physical defect or disability in order to be permitted to bring into the election room or voting booth another person, shall be fined $100 and shall be imprisoned not more than 2 years. (b) Whoever, being […]
§ 5120. Secreting person in election room; penalty. Whoever, other than the election officers, secretes or attempts to secrete himself or herself in any part of the polling room during the hours of the election for any purpose whatsoever, shall be fined not less than $100 and may be imprisoned not more than 1 year. […]
§ 5121. Removal or destruction of election supplies or equipment or voting machines; penalty. (a) Whoever, during the general election: (1) Removes or destroys any of the supplies or other conveniences placed in the booths or delivered to the voter for the purpose of enabling the voter to prepare that voter’s ballot; or (2) Removes, […]
§ 5122. Disclosures by election officers; penalty. Whoever, being an election officer: (1) Reveals to any person how any elector has voted or what persons were voted for by any elector on any ballot; or (2) Gives any information concerning the appearance of any ballot voted or envelope used; shall be fined not more than […]
§ 5123. Intimidation, persuasion or bribery by election officer; penalty. Whoever, being an election officer: (1) In any manner attempts to influence, persuade, intimidate, bribe or coerce any voter in the marking of the voter’s ballot, or in the making of the choice of the persons for whom the voter votes; or (2) Discloses the […]
§ 5124. Inducing the making of distinguishing mark on ballot; penalty. Whoever induces or attempts to induce any elector to write, paste or otherwise place on that elector’s own ballot the name of any person, or any sign or device of any kind, as a distinguishing mark by which to indicate to any other person […]
§ 5125. Inducing election officers to violate election laws; penalty. Whoever induces or attempts to induce any election officers to violate any of the provisions of this title whether or not such election officers violate or attempt to violate any of such provisions shall be imprisoned not more than 5 years. 27 Del. Laws, c. […]
§ 5126. Violations by officials; penalty. Whoever, being a clerk of the peace, an official, or other individual as designated in this title, wilfully violates this title in the performance of any duty imposed upon him or her for the violation of which no other punishment is provided by law, shall be fined not less […]
§ 5127. Bribery of person expecting to be election or registration officer; penalty. Whoever bribes or attempts to bribe anyone expecting to hold any official position under the election or registration laws of this State, either as registrar, inspector, judge or otherwise, by giving money or the promise of money, office or the promise of […]
§ 5128. Fraudulent voting; penalty. Whoever, at any general or special election: (1) Falsely personates any elector or other person and votes or attempts or offers to vote in or upon the name of such elector or other person; or (2) Votes or attempts to vote in or upon the name of any other person […]
§ 5129. False entries by clerk of election. Whoever, being a clerk of election or other election officer performing the duty of such clerk: (1) Wilfully keeps a false poll list; or (2) Knowingly inserts in that clerk of election’s or election officer’s poll list any false statement, or any name, statement, check, letter or […]
§ 5130. Failure of election officer to perform duties. Whoever, being an election officer, wilfully: (1) Excludes any vote duly tendered, knowing that the person offering the same is lawfully entitled to vote at such election; or (2) Receives a vote from any person who has been duly challenged in relation to such person’s right […]