§ 5131. False count or certification by election officer. Whoever, being an election officer, wilfully: (1) Makes any false count of votes cast at any election, or makes, signs, publishes or delivers any false return of such election or any false certificate or statement of the result of such election, knowing the same to be […]
§ 5132. Fraudulent deposit or alteration of ballots or entering voting machine booth or casting vote; penalty. (a) Whoever, being an election officer, at any election: (1) Knowingly and wilfully puts or causes to be put any ballot or ballots or other paper having the semblance thereof into any box used at such election for […]
§ 5133. Wilful neglect of duty by election officers. Whoever, being an election officer of whom any duty is required in this title, is guilty of any wilful neglect of such duty or of any corrupt or fraudulent conduct or practice in the execution of the same shall be deemed to have knowingly and wilfully […]
§ 5134. Stealing, destroying or secreting records; penalty. (a) Whoever, being an election officer having the custody of any registration records, or copy thereof, oath, return of votes, certificate, poll list or any paper, document, or evidence of any description, in this title directed to be made, filed or preserved: (1) Steals, wilfully destroys, mutilates, […]
§ 5135. Perjury; subornation of perjury. (a) Whoever is convicted of wilful false swearing or affirming in taking any oath or affirmation prescribed by or upon any examination provided for in this title is guilty of perjury. (b) Whoever wilfully or corruptly instigates, advises, induces or procures any person to swear or affirm falsely, or […]
§ 5136. Tampering with ballots or deceiving voters; penalty. Whoever: (1) Fraudulently changes or alters the ballot of any elector, or substitutes 1 ballot for another, or fraudulently furnishes any elector with a ballot containing more than the proper number of names; or (2) Intentionally practices any fraud upon any elector to induce the elector […]
§ 5137. Disobeying election officers; penalty. Whoever wilfully disobeys any lawful command of any election officer, given in the execution of such officer’s duty as such at any election, shall be fined not more than $200 or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both. 19 Del. Laws, c. 39, § 45; Code 1915, § […]
§ 5138. Breach of peace or violence on election day; penalty. Whoever on any day of election or during the reading and counting of the votes cast thereat causes any breach of the peace or uses any violence or threats of violence whereby any such election or reading and counting of ballots is impeded or […]
§ 5139. Interference with election officer or challenger; penalty. Whoever: (1) Knowingly or wilfully obstructs, hinders, assaults or by bribery, solicitation or otherwise interferes with any election officer or challenger in the performance of any duty required of that election officer or challenger or which that election officer or challenger may by law be authorized […]
§ 5140. Failure of inspector to preserve order. Whoever, being an inspector of election, wilfully neglects or when called on wilfully declines to exercise the powers conferred on that inspector of election to preserve order shall be deemed to have knowingly and wilfully violated that inspector of election’s official duty. 19 Del. Laws, c. 39, […]
§ 5141. Stealing or destroying ballot box, ballot, poll list; penalty. Whoever, not being an election officer: (1) Steals or wilfully breaks or destroys any ballot box used or intended to be used at any election; or (2) Wilfully or fraudulently conceals, secretes or removes any ballot box from the custody of the election officers; […]
§ 5142. Requiring unauthorized oath; penalty. Whoever, being an election officer or other person, administers or causes to be administered to any legal voter any oath or affirmation not authorized by the Constitution or laws of this State for that purpose as a prerequisite or condition of voting at any election, except when such oath […]
§ 5143. Candidate for General Assembly not to make written pledge; penalty. (a) No candidate for State Senator or Representative in the General Assembly shall make any written pledge to give or withhold that candidate’s own vote on any proposed law or legislation, nor shall any other person seek to influence any such candidate in […]
§ 5144. Unauthorized release of absentee vote information; penalty. (a) Any person who knowingly or intentionally releases, transfers, distributes, or otherwise permits or facilitates the distribution of information relating to the number of absentee votes cast in favor or against any particular candidate or measure prior to the close of the polls on the day […]