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Home » US Law » 2022 Delaware Code » Title 15 - Elections » Part IV » General Elections » Chapter 53. MILITARY OR OTHER INTERFERENCE WITH ELECTIONS

§ 5301. Bringing armed soldiers into State to interfere with elections; penalty.

§ 5301. Bringing armed soldiers into State to interfere with elections; penalty. Whoever, being a citizen or inhabitant of this State: (1) Sends or causes to be sent, brings or causes to be brought into this State, or aids, abets, procures, advises, counsels or in any manner assists in sending or bringing into this State […]

§ 5302. Abetting or counseling military interference with elections; penalty.

§ 5302. Abetting or counseling military interference with elections; penalty. Whoever, being a citizen or inhabitant of this State, aids, abets, procures, advises, counsels or in any manner assists or is guilty of military interference in any manner with the freedom of any election in this State shall be guilty of felony, and shall be […]

§ 5303. Civil remedy for interference with voting.

§ 5303. Civil remedy for interference with voting. (a) Whoever, being a duly qualified elector of this State according to the Constitution and laws thereof, is prevented from voting, or obstructed in that elector’s own effort to vote at any election, by reason of any interference by any person or persons, or military power, or […]

§ 5304. Duty to disclose information as to interference with elections.

§ 5304. Duty to disclose information as to interference with elections. Every citizen of this State who has knowledge of any design on the part of any other citizen or citizens of this State to promote interference with elections, either by soliciting or advising the presence of a military force at or near the place […]

§ 5305. Ten year limitation on civil actions for voting interference.

§ 5305. Ten year limitation on civil actions for voting interference. The limitation of actions commenced under §§ 5303 and 5304 of this title shall be 10 years from the time of the accruing of the cause of action. 12 Del. Laws, c. 487, § 3;  Code 1915, § 1830;  Code 1935, § 1919;  15 […]

§ 5307. Duties of inspector at special polling place.

§ 5307. Duties of inspector at special polling place. (a) The polls authorized to be held by § 5306 of this title shall be held at the place where they are opened unless it be impracticable to hold them there in which event they shall be adjourned to some other place, or places, if necessary, […]

§ 5308. Canvass of ballots from special polling place.

§ 5308. Canvass of ballots from special polling place. The Superior Court, sitting as a board of canvass, shall receive the certificate, and in ascertaining and certifying the state of the election shall take into consideration the number of ballots certified by the inspector to have been received by that inspector and for whom and […]

§ 5309. Procedure in case of military interference with board of canvass.

§ 5309. Procedure in case of military interference with board of canvass. If it is apparent to the Court sitting as board of canvass that any interference with the performance of its duties will be attempted by military force, or if, after it has met, any such interference is attempted, it may meet at any […]

§ 5310. Number of special polling places not limited.

§ 5310. Number of special polling places not limited. Nothing contained in §§ 5306-5312 of this title shall limit the voting places to 2 in an election district, but, the emergency contemplated in §§ 5306-5309 of this title arising, as many different polls may be held as there are numbers of voters of 5 or […]

§ 5311. Special clerk; appointment; oath.

§ 5311. Special clerk; appointment; oath. Each inspector chosen under § 5306 of this title may appoint a clerk to aid the inspector in the discharge of such duties as are clerical and shall administer to the clerk before the clerk enters upon the discharge of the duties to be assigned to that clerk an […]

§ 5312. Compensation of special election officers.

§ 5312. Compensation of special election officers. The special inspectors and clerks elected and appointed under this chapter shall receive the same compensation as inspectors and clerks elected and appointed under the provisions of law for a general election. 12 Del. Laws, c. 491, § 6;  Code 1915, § 1836;  Code 1935, § 1925;  15 […]