§ 7540. Date for election. (a) Upon the enactment of a county ordinance pursuant to § 101A(a)(2)c. of Title 22, for a proposed annexation of territory by the City of Wilmington, and its approval by the County Executive pursuant to § 101A(a)(2)d. of Title 22, the County Council, by resolution, shall fix a date for […]
§ 7541. Contents of notice of special election. The special election shall be held on the date fixed by County Council pursuant to § 7540 of this title and shall be previously advertised by publishing a notice in a newspaper published within the County and having a general circulation therein, once in each of 2 […]
§ 7542. Place, time and manner of voting; duties of Clerk of the Peace. (a) The special election shall be held in the building in which is situated the offices of the Clerk of the Peace. The polls shall be open from 9: 00 a.m. to 6: 00 p.m. on the day of the special […]
§ 7543. Qualified voters; voting list. (a) The following shall be considered qualified voters for a special election held with respect to an annexation initiated pursuant to § 101A of Title 22 for the City of Wilmington and shall be entitled to vote in such election as provided herein: (1) Every person 18 years of […]
§ 7544. Certification of result of special election; retention of ballots. No later than 3 days after the holding of the special election, the judge of the election shall tabulate the ballots and certify the result to the County Council and to the Wilmington City Council under that judge of election’s hand and seal. The […]
§ 7545. Alternative approval procedure when only 1 qualified voter exists. If only 1 qualified voter in the territory exists for the purpose of determining whether an annexation initiated pursuant to § 101A of Title 22 for the City of Wilmington shall be approved, notwithstanding any other provisions in this subchapter or in Title 22 […]
§ 7546. Definitions. For the purposes of this subchapter, the following terms shall have the meanings described herein: (1) “Clerk of the Peace” shall mean the Clerk of the Peace for New Castle County. (2) “County” shall mean New Castle County. (3) “County Council” shall mean the New Castle County Council. (4) “County Executive” shall […]