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Home » US Law » 2022 Delaware Code » Title 24 - Professions and Occupations » Chapter 26. PHYSICAL THERAPY AND ATHLETIC TRAINING

§ 2601. Objectives of Board.

§ 2601. Objectives of Board. The primary objective of the Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers, to which all other objectives and purposes are secondary, is to protect the general public (especially those persons who are direct recipients of services regulated by this chapter) from unsafe practices and from occupational practices which tend […]

§ 2603. Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers — Appointment; vacancies; suspension or removal; unexcused absences; qualifications; term of office; compensation of officers.

§ 2603. Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers — Appointment; vacancies; suspension or removal; unexcused absences; qualifications; term of office; compensation of officers. (a) There is hereby created the State Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers. The Board shall consist of 10 members, all of whom shall be residents of Delaware. […]

§ 2603A. Organization; meetings; officers; quorum.

§ 2603A. Organization; meetings; officers; quorum. (a) The Board shall elect annually from its membership a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and a Secretary. Each officer shall serve for 1 year and shall not succeed himself or herself for more than 2 consecutive terms. (b) The Board shall hold regularly scheduled business meetings at least once in […]

§ 2603B. Records.

§ 2603B. Records. The Division shall keep a register of all approved applications for licenses under this chapter and complete records relating to meetings of the Board, rosters, changes, and additions to the Board’s rules and regulations, complaints, hearings, and such other matters as the Board shall determine. Such records are prima facie evidence of […]

§ 2604. Powers and duties of Board.

§ 2604. Powers and duties of Board. (a) The Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers shall have authority to: (1) Adopt rules and regulations, which shall be promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act, Chapter 101 of Title 29; (2) Designate the application form to be used by all […]

§ 2605. License required; exceptions.

§ 2605. License required; exceptions. (a) No person shall practice nor hold oneself out as being able to practice physical therapy or athletic training in this State or act as a physical therapist, physical therapist assistant or athletic trainer in any manner whatsoever whether or not compensation is received or expected unless the person is […]

§ 2606. Qualifications of applicant; foreign-trained applicants; report to Attorney General; judicial review [Effective Jan. 1, 2023].

§ 2606. Qualifications of applicant; foreign-trained applicants; report to Attorney General; judicial review [Effective Jan. 1, 2023]. (a) An applicant who is applying for licensure under this chapter shall submit evidence, verified by oath and satisfactory to the Board, that such person: (1) Has graduated from a school offering a program in physical therapy, physical […]

§ 2606. Qualifications of applicant; foreign-trained applicants; report to Attorney General; judicial review [Effective until Jan. 1, 2023].

§ 2606. Qualifications of applicant; foreign-trained applicants; report to Attorney General; judicial review [Effective until Jan. 1, 2023]. (a) An applicant who is applying for licensure under this chapter shall submit evidence, verified by oath and satisfactory to the Board, that such person: (1) Has graduated from a school offering a program in physical therapy, […]

§ 2607. Issuance and renewal of licenses; inactive status; misrepresentation.

§ 2607. Issuance and renewal of licenses; inactive status; misrepresentation. (a) The Board shall issue a license to each physical therapist applicant, physical therapist assistant applicant, or athletic trainer applicant who satisfies the requirements for licensure set forth in this chapter and rules and regulations promulgated hereunder. (b) Each application for license under this chapter […]

§ 2608. Examination.

§ 2608. Examination. The Board, in its rules and regulations, shall designate the national examinations for licensure as a physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, or athletic trainer. 24 Del. C. 1953, § 2608;  50 Del. Laws, c. 367, § 1;  64 Del. Laws, c. 192, § 1;  67 Del. Laws, c. 97, § 13;  73 […]

§ 2609. Fees.

§ 2609. Fees. The amount charged for fees imposed under this chapter shall approximate and reasonably reflect costs necessary to defray the expenses of the Board, as well as the proportional expenses incurred by the Division in its service on behalf of the Board. There shall be a separate fee charged for each service or […]

§ 2610. Reciprocity [Effective Jan. 1, 2023].

§ 2610. Reciprocity [Effective Jan. 1, 2023]. (a) Upon payment of the appropriate fee and submission and acceptance of a written application on forms provided by the Board, the Board shall grant a license to each applicant who shall present proof of current licensure, in good standing, in another state, the District of Columbia or […]

§ 2610. Reciprocity [Effective until Jan. 1, 2023].

§ 2610. Reciprocity [Effective until Jan. 1, 2023]. (a) Upon payment of the appropriate fee and submission and acceptance of a written application on forms provided by the Board, the Board shall grant a license to each applicant who shall present proof of current licensure, in good standing, in another state, the District of Columbia […]

§ 2611. Temporary license.

§ 2611. Temporary license. (a) Upon submission of a written application on forms provided by the Board, the Board may issue a temporary license to a person who has applied for licensure under this chapter and who, in the judgment of the Board, is eligible to take the examination provided for in § 2608 of […]

§ 2612. Practice, referral, and consultation.

§ 2612. Practice, referral, and consultation. (a) A licensed physical therapist may enter a case for the purpose of consultation, evaluation or treatment of an individual as it relates to the individual’s need for physical therapy services, with or without a referral by a licensed medical or osteopathic physician; provided, however, that a physical therapist […]

§ 2613. False representation of professional title.

§ 2613. False representation of professional title. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, or for any business entity, its employees, agents or representatives to use in connection with its name or business activity the words “physical therapy,” “physical therapist,” “physiotherapy,” “physiotherapist,” “aquatic therapist,” “hydrotherapist,” “registered physical therapist,” “licensed physical therapist,” “physical therapist assistant,” […]

§ 2614. Use of professional title.

§ 2614. Use of professional title. (a) Any person who holds a license pursuant to this chapter as a physical therapist may use the word “physical therapist” or the letters “PT” in connection with the person’s name or place of business to denote licensure hereunder. Any person who holds a license pursuant to this chapter […]

§ 2616. Grounds for discipline.

§ 2616. Grounds for discipline. (a) A person licensed under this chapter performing physical therapy or athletic training services is subject to the disciplinary sanctions set forth in § 2620 of this title if, after a hearing, the Board finds that the licensee has: (1) Practiced physical therapy or acted as a physical therapist assistant […]

§ 2617. Fees and revenues.

§ 2617. Fees and revenues.24 Del. C. 1953, § 2616;  53 Del. Laws, c. 108, § 30;  64 Del. Laws, c. 192, § 1;  65 Del. Laws, c. 380, § 3;  73 Del. Laws, c. 125, § 12;  repealed by 79 Del. Laws, c. 406 § 18, eff. Aug. 12, 2014.;