§ 3501. Objectives. The primary objective of the Board of Examiners of Psychologists, to which all other objectives and purposes are secondary, is to protect the general public, specifically those persons who are the direct recipients of services regulated by this chapter, from unsafe practices and from occupational practices which tend to reduce competition or […]
§ 3502. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter shall have the meanings ascribed to them under this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) “Board” shall mean the State Board of Examiners of Psychologists established in this chapter. (2) “Conversion therapy” means any practice or […]
§ 3503. Board of Examiners of Psychologists; appointments; qualifications; term; vacancies; suspension or removal; unexcused absences; compensation. (a) There is created a State Board of Examiners of Psychologists which shall administer and enforce this chapter. (b) The Board shall consist of 9 members appointed by the Governor, who are residents of this state: 5 of […]
§ 3504. Organization; meetings; officers; quorum. (a) The Board shall hold regularly scheduled business meetings at least once in each quarter of a calendar year, and at such times as the President deems necessary; or, at the request of a majority of the Board members. (b) The Board shall elect annually a President, Vice-President and […]
§ 3505. Records. The Division of Professional Regulation shall keep a register of all applications for license as a psychologist or for registration of psychological assistants, and complete records relating to meetings of the Board, examinations, rosters, changes and additions to the Board’s rules and regulations, complaints, hearings and such other matters as the Board […]
§ 3506. Powers and duties. (a) The Board of Examiners of Psychologists shall have authority to: (1) Formulate rules and regulations, with appropriate notice to those affected; all rules and regulations shall be promulgated in accordance with the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedures Act [Chapter 101 of Title 29] of this State. Each rule […]