§ 5501. Purpose. The Delaware General Assembly declares that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Delaware to require licensure of bail enforcement agents and their agents and employees to prevent unqualified individuals from endangering the public. Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to promote, preserve and protect the public health, […]
§ 5502. Definitions. (a) “Bail bondsmen” shall mean the person or persons licensed by the Department of Insurance as a bail bonding agent. (b) “Bail bondsmen association” shall mean any organization or entity that represents the bail bondsmen in the State. (c) “Bail enforcement agent” (“BEA”) as used within this chapter, shall mean any person […]
§ 5503. Board of Examiners of Bail Enforcement Agents. (a) Creation of the Board. — The Delaware Board of Examiners of Bail Enforcement Agents is created for the protection of the general public and to carry out the functions and duties conferred on it by this chapter. (b) All legal process and all documents required […]
§ 5504. Board membership and authority. (a) The Board shall be composed of 9 members who shall be citizens of the State and shall be appointed by the Secretary of Safety and Homeland Security: (1) The Superintendent of the Division of State Police or a designated representative, who shall be appointed by the Secretary of […]
§ 5505. Emergency suspension. (a) The Director shall be granted the power to impose an emergency suspension on any person licensed under this chapter if, in the opinion of the Director, that failure to take such action could jeopardize the public’s safety and welfare. (b) Any person whose license is suspended by the Director, under […]
§ 5506. Prohibited conduct. No person, other than a “law-enforcement officer” as defined by § 222 of Title 11 or an employee of any state court acting at the direction of any judge, commissioner or master of any state court, shall apprehend or detain a suspected fugitive on behalf of another person, including a principal […]
§ 5507. Licensing. (a) The promulgated rules and regulations shall implement the provisions of this chapter regarding the licensure and registration of bail enforcement agents, which may include the term of a license or registration and the qualifications of a licensee, and may charge a fee not to exceed $500 for each application for licensure […]
§ 5508. Change of address. Notification shall be made to the Professional Licensing Section within 14 days after the change of any contact information, including but not limited to, address, phone number (home and cell), and E-mail address of any individual licensed under this chapter. Failure to do so may result in the suspension or […]
§ 5509. Identification card, license, and badge. (a) Anyone required to be licensed under this chapter shall be issued, by the Professional Licensing Section, an identification card, license, and badge which shall expire and be renewable on the fourth anniversary date of the birth of the applicant next following the date of its issuance, unless […]
§ 5510. Possession of identification card and badge. Any person who has been issued an identification card and badge by the Professional Licensing Section shall be required to have such card and badge in their possession while in the performance of the person’s duties. 77 Del. Laws, c. 457, § 4;
§ 5511. Notification of arrest. Anyone licensed under this chapter shall, excluding weekends and state holidays, notify the Director within 5 days of any arrest which could result in a misdemeanor or felony conviction. Failure to do so may result in the suspension or revocation of a license. 77 Del. Laws, c. 457, § 4;
§ 5512. Surrender of expired, revoked or suspended identification cards, licenses and badges; penalty. Any person to whom an identification card, license and badge may be issued in accordance with this chapter shall surrender such items and all duplicate copies thereof, which have expired or have been revoked or suspended to the Professional Licensing Section […]
§ 5513. Jurisdiction. The Superior Court shall have jurisdiction over violations under this chapter. 77 Del. Laws, c. 457, § 4;
§ 5514. Violation of chapter as ground for revocation of identification card, license and badge. A violation of this chapter shall be cause for revocation of any identification card, license and badge issued thereunder, notwithstanding that the same violation may constitute a misdemeanor or felony. 77 Del. Laws, c. 457, § 4;
§ 5515. Penalties. (a) The Board shall have the power to impose a civil penalty upon any person required to be licensed under this chapter up to $200, per day, for operating without a valid license. (b) Anyone performing the duties of a BEA pursuant to § 5502 of this title, who is not duly […]