§ 700. Purpose of chapter; objectives of board. The primary objective of the Board of Chiropractic, to which all other objectives and purposes are secondary, is to protect the general public, specifically those persons who are the direct recipients of services regulated by this chapter, from unsafe practices and from occupational practices which tend to […]
§ 701. Chiropractic defined; limitation of chiropractic license [Effective Jan. 1, 2023]. (a) As used in this chapter: (1) “Chiropractic” means a drugless system of health care based on the principle that interference with the transmission of nerve impulses may cause disease. (2) “Protective hairstyle” includes braids, locks, and twists. (3) “Race” includes traits historically […]
§ 701. Chiropractic defined; limitation of chiropractic license [Effective until Jan. 1, 2023]. (a) As used in this chapter: (1) “Chiropractic” means a drugless system of health care based on the principle that interference with the transmission of nerve impulses may cause disease. (2) “Protective hairstyle” includes braids, locks, and twists. (3) “Race” includes traits […]
§ 702. Composition; terms; suspension or removal; qualifications; vacancies; compensation. (a) There is created a State Board of Chiropractic, which shall administer and enforce this chapter, and which shall consist of 7 members appointed by the Governor, who are residents of this State; 4 of whom shall be licensed to practice chiropractic in this State; […]
§ 703. Officers; meetings; quorum. (a) The Board annually shall elect a president and secretary. Each officer shall serve for 1 year and shall not succeed himself or herself in the same office. (b) The Board shall hold a regularly scheduled business meeting at least once in each quarter of a calendar year and at […]
§ 704. Complaints. All complaints shall be received and investigated by the Division of Professional Regulation in accordance with § 8735 of Title 29. The Division shall be responsible for issuing a final written report at the conclusion of its investigation. The Board president shall assign a member of the Board to assist the Division […]
§ 705. Hearing; procedures. (a) If a complaint is filed with the Board pursuant to § 8735 of Title 29, alleging violation of this chapter, the Board shall set a time and place to conduct a hearing on the complaint. Notice of the hearing shall be given and the hearing conducted in accordance with the […]
§ 706. Powers and duties; immunity. (a) The Board shall have the authority and the duty to: (1) Formulate rules and regulations with appropriate notice to those affected where such notice can reasonably be given; (2) Designate the application form to be used by applicants, and to process all applications; (3) Grant licenses to, and […]
§ 707. Qualifications of applicant; report to Attorney General; judicial review [Effective Jan. 1, 2023]. (a) An applicant who is applying for licensure as a doctor of chiropractic under this chapter shall submit evidence, verified by oath and satisfactory to the Board, that such person: (1) Has received a degree of “Doctor of Chiropractic” from […]
§ 707. Qualifications of applicant; report to Attorney General; judicial review [Effective until Jan. 1, 2023]. (a) An applicant who is applying for licensure as a doctor of chiropractic under this chapter shall submit evidence, verified by oath and satisfactory to the Board, that such person: (1) Has received a degree of “Doctor of Chiropractic” […]
§ 708. Fees. The amount to be charged for each fee imposed under this chapter shall approximate and reasonably reflect all costs necessary to defray the expenses of the Board, as well as the proportional expenses incurred by the Division of Professional Regulation in its services on behalf of the Board. There shall be a […]
§ 709. Issuance of license; renewal; inactive status; reinstatement. (a) Each person, who has been admitted to practice in this State by reciprocity, or who has otherwise qualified for a license shall, prior to practicing in this State, file for and obtain an occupational license from the Division of Revenue in accordance with Chapter 23 […]
§ 710. Reciprocity. (a) Upon payment of the appropriate fee and submission and acceptance of a written application on forms provided by the Board, the Board shall grant a license to each applicant, who shall present proof of current licensure in good standing in another state, the District of Columbia or territory of the United […]
§ 711. Grounds for discipline; procedure; sanctions [Effective Jan. 1, 2023]. (a) Practitioners regulated under this chapter shall be subject to those disciplinary actions set forth in this section if, after a hearing, the Board finds the practitioner guilty of unprofessional conduct as defined in subsection (b) of this section. (b) Unprofessional conduct is hereby […]
§ 711. Grounds for discipline; procedure; sanctions [Effective until Jan. 1, 2023]. (a) Practitioners regulated under this chapter shall be subject to those disciplinary actions set forth in this section if, after a hearing, the Board finds the practitioner guilty of unprofessional conduct as defined in subsection (b) of this section. (b) Unprofessional conduct is […]
§ 712. License to practice. No person may practice chiropractic in this State who has not been licensed in accordance with this chapter. Under such rules and regulations as the Board may adopt, this chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the practice of chiropractic by persons who are licensed to practice in any other […]
§ 713. Practicing without license; penalties. (a) No person shall represent himself or herself to the public as a doctor of chiropractic, or display any sign or advertise in any manner as being a doctor of chiropractic or chiropractic physician without first obtaining from the Board the license or licenses required under this chapter. (b) […]
§ 714. Chiropractic practitioners subject to regulation. Chiropractic practitioners shall observe and be subject to all state and municipal regulations relating to the control of contagious and infectious diseases and any and all matters pertaining to public health, reporting to the proper health officer the same as other practitioners. 41 Del. Laws, c. 261, § […]
§ 715. Filing false documents; penalty. Whoever files or attempts to file as that person’s own the diploma, certificate or license of another or a forged, false affidavit of identification or qualification is guilty of a felony and shall be fined not less than $500 nor more than $2,000 and imprisoned not more than 5 […]
§ 716. Chiropractic practitioners eligible for compensation from insurance; reimbursement at Medicare rate or comparable. (a) For purposes of disability insurance, standard health and accident, sickness, and all other such insurance plans, whether or not they be considered insurance policies, and contracts issued by health service corporations and health maintenance organizations, if the chiropractor is […]