§ 201. Description. The limits of the State are as follows: On the south, the divisional line between Delaware and Maryland; on the west, the divisional line between Delaware and Maryland extended northerly to its intersection with the southerly boundary line of Pennsylvania; on the north, the boundary line between Maryland and Pennsylvania extended easterly […]
§ 202. Boundary monuments; ownership; inspection, repair and restoration; resurvey; entry upon lands. (a) The monuments marking the common boundaries between the State and any adjacent state or commonwealth are the joint property of the State and of such adjoining states or commonwealth. (b) The Director of the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs and […]
§ 203. Penalty for removing, damaging or possessing monument. (a) Whoever moves, removes, breaks, mutilates, defaces, destroys or otherwise injures any monument marking any boundary between this State and any adjacent state or commonwealth shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor. (b) Any person who has in possession any monument heretofore placed or prepared […]
§ 204. Publication of state boundaries. The Director of the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs is hereby directed to publish a small pamphlet setting forth in latitudes and longitudes, as currently determined by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, the boundaries of the State. In addition to other distribution, copies shall be sent […]