§ 3301. Established; composition; qualifications; terms of office. There is established a commission known as the “Delaware Compensation Commission,” hereinafter referred to as the “Commission,” consisting of 6 members, 2 of whom shall be appointed by the Governor, 1 by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and 1 by the Speaker of the House […]
§ 3302. Chairperson; expenses. The Commission shall elect 1 of its members chairperson. Members of the Commission shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses, including mileage, incurred while performing the duties imposed by this chapter. The costs and expenses of the Commission shall be paid out of funds appropriated to the Governor’s office. 64 […]
§ 3303. Remuneration study; report. (a) The Commission shall make a study of the salaries, emoluments, mileage, per diem, travel and other expense allowances and reimbursements (hereinafter collectively referred to as “remuneration”) of the members of the General Assembly, the Governor, members of the Governor’s cabinet, the Lieutenant Governor, the State Auditor, the State Treasurer, […]
§ 3304. Effect of Commission report. The remuneration for all offices specified in § 3303 of this title established by the report shall take effect and have the force and effect of law as of July 1 following submission, unless the General Assembly shall by joint resolution reject the report in its entirety within 30 […]