§ 102. Powers and duties. (a) The Department shall protect, manage and conserve all forms of protected wildlife of this State, and enforce by proper actions and proceedings the law relating thereto. The Department shall authorize such studies as are necessary to the work of the Department, and shall collect, classify and preserve such statistics, […]
§ 103. Rules and regulations; expenditures; violations and penalty. (a) The Department may promulgate such rules and regulations and may make expenditures necessary to: (1) Fix and regulate seasons by shortening, extending or closing seasons, and to fix and regulate the bag limit on any species of protected wildlife or freshwater fish except muskrat in […]
§ 104. Restrictions on expenditures and indebtedness. The Department shall not contract any indebtedness or obligations which cannot be met by funds immediately available to its use, as provided in Part I of this title. Code 1915, § 2358B; 40 Del. Laws, c. 191, § 2; Code 1935, § 2804; 7 Del. C. 1953, § […]
§ 105. Assent to federal statutes — Cooperative wildlife-restoration projects. The State assents to the act of Congress entitled, “An Act to Provide that the United States Shall Aid the States in Wildlife-Restoration Projects, and for Other Purposes,” approved September 2, 1937 [16 U.S.C. § 669 et seq.] as amended and the Department shall perform […]
§ 106. Assent to federal statutes — Cooperative fish-restoration projects. The State assents to the act of Congress entitled “An Act to Provide that the United States Shall Aid the States in Fish-Restoration and Management Projects, and for Other Purposes,” approved August 9, 1950 [16 U.S.C. § 777 et seq.] as amended and the Department […]
§ 107. Use of funds derived from sale of hunting and trapping licenses. All funds derived from the issuance of licenses issued by the Department for hunting and trapping shall be deposited by the Department with the State Treasurer, retained by the State Treasurer, and specifically set aside and earmarked until expended upon by proper […]
§ 108. Use of funds derived from sale of fishing licenses. All funds derived from the issuance of licenses issued by the Department for fishing shall be deposited by the Department with the State Treasurer, retained by the State Treasurer, and specifically set aside and earmarked until expended upon by proper vouchers for the purpose […]
§ 109. Deposit of receipts. All funds received by the Department, except those which may be exempt from Chapter 61 of Title 29, and except funds derived from the issuance of yearly licenses for hunting and trapping and fishing, shall be deposited by the Department to the credit of the State Treasurer in the General […]
§ 110. Disbursements. All disbursements made by the Department for salaries, expenses and other purposes, as are by law permitted, shall be paid by the State Treasurer, to the extent there is money legally available to the Department, upon vouchers issued by the proper officers, designated by the Department, and approved by the Auditor of […]
§ 111. Search and seizure powers of the Secretary and Fish and Wildlife Agents. The Secretary and the Fish and Wildlife Agents may search and examine without warrant any person, conveyance, vehicle, game bag, game coat or other receptacle for protected wildlife, and in the presence of an occupant of any camp or tent, may […]
§ 112. Prohibition against acceptance of fees by employees of Department. No employee of the Department shall receive or accept any fee from the sale of licenses issued by the Department. Code 1915, § 2358B; 40 Del. Laws, c. 191, § 2; Code 1935, § 2804; 7 Del. C. 1953, § 118; 57 Del. Laws, […]
§ 113. Protected wildlife injuring agriculture or other community interests. When information is furnished to the Department that any species of protected wildlife has become, under extraordinary conditions, seriously injurious to agriculture or other interests in any particular community, an investigation shall be made by the Department to determine the nature and extent of the […]
§ 114. Protected wildlife injuring private property. Upon receipt by the Department of information from the owner, tenant or sharecropper that any 1 or more species of protected wildlife are detrimental to his or her crops, property or other interests on the land on which he or she resides or controls, together with a statement […]
§ 115. Power of Department to take game or fish for propagating and restocking purposes. The Department may take any game birds, animals or fish in or out of season in any way for strictly propagating and restocking purposes. Code 1915, § 2538; 30 Del. Laws, c. 176, § 6; Code 1935, § 3025; 7 […]