§ 528. License requirement for commercial raw fur dealer. A person must obtain an annual license before engaging in the business of purchasing or receiving raw furs or pelts for commercial purposes within this State, except muskrat furs or pelts. Code 1915, § 2415A; 40 Del. Laws, c. 191, § 30; Code 1935, § 2888; […]
§ 529. License fees. A resident of Delaware shall pay to the Department a fee of $50 for a license under § 528 of this title. A nonresident of Delaware shall pay a fee of $475 for such a license. Code 1915, § 2415A; 40 Del. Laws, c. 191, § 30; Code 1935, § 2888; […]
§ 530. Qualification of licensee; nontransferability of license. Licenses under this subchapter shall be sold only to citizens of the United States and shall not be transferable. 26 Del. Laws, c. 162, § 3; 26 Del. Laws, c. 164, § 15; 27 Del. Laws, c. 154; 27 Del. Laws, c. 155, § 3; Code 1915, […]
§ 531. Penalties; failure to obtain license. Whoever engages in the business of purchasing or receiving raw furs or pelts for commercial purposes within this State, except muskrat furs or pelts, without obtaining a license as required by § 528 of this title, shall be guilty of a class B environmental misdemeanor for each offense. […]
§ 532. Records to be kept by licensed fur dealers; inspection; violations and penalties. (a) The holder of a fur dealer’s license shall keep an accurate ledger of all transactions relating to the purchase or receipt of raw furs or pelts. The ledger shall contain the names and addresses of all persons from whom raw […]