US Lawyer Database

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§ 786. Raccoon and opossum.

§ 786. Raccoon and opossum. (a) No person shall kill any raccoon or opossum, or needlessly destroy, break or interfere with any den or lair of any raccoon or opossum, or set fire to, burn or otherwise mutilate any tree, living or dead, stump or log for the purpose of killing or destroying in any […]

§ 787. Protection of deer; penalties.

§ 787. Protection of deer; penalties. (a) No person shall hunt, chase or pursue with the intent to kill, trap, take or have in possession any deer (living or dead), except those deer legally taken during the open season and during lawful hours in each county. (b) All evidence including weapons, ammunition, lights, communication systems […]

§ 788. Exceptions to the prohibition against the killing of red fox.

§ 788. Exceptions to the prohibition against the killing of red fox. (a) Notwithstanding § 703(2) of this title, red foxes may be harvested statewide. The Department shall establish the season structure and framework through regulations promulgated pursuant to Chapter 101, Administrative Procedures Act, of Title 29. (b) Notwithstanding § 703(2) of this title, the […]

§ 789. Sale or shipment of red fox or red fox hides; penalty.

§ 789. Sale or shipment of red fox or red fox hides; penalty. (a) No live red fox shall be sold, purchased, possessed or exposed for sale in this State, or shipped by freight or express, or otherwise, or taken from any place within this State to any place outside this State. Nothing in this […]

§ 791. Possession of red fox whelps.

§ 791. Possession of red fox whelps. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter to the contrary, the taking and possession of red fox whelps between April 1 and August 15 of each year by persons possessing no less than 5 foxhounds kept for chasing mature red foxes and having a permit issued by the […]

§ 792. Legal limit on bullfrogs; penalty.

§ 792. Legal limit on bullfrogs; penalty. No person shall take or kill more than 24 bullfrogs in any 1 day or night, or have the same in that person’s possession for more than 5 days after the close of the season for killing excepting when they are had in possession alive for scientific or […]

§ 793. Sale of bullfrogs.

§ 793. Sale of bullfrogs. Notwithstanding any other provisions of Part I of this title, bullfrogs, lawfully taken or killed, may be sold, bought and possessed in any quantity. Code 1935, § 2835(a);  44 Del. Laws, c. 149, § 1;  7 Del. C. 1953, § 797;  70 Del. Laws, c. 275, § 103; 

§ 794. Deer accidentally killed by motor vehicle.

§ 794. Deer accidentally killed by motor vehicle. Any person, who, while operating a motor vehicle upon any public highway in this State, accidentally strikes and kills a deer upon said public highway shall, upon producing visible evidence of collision with said deer to any State Police or Fish and Wildlife Agent of this State, […]

§ 796. Limitations on harvesting gray fox.

§ 796. Limitations on harvesting gray fox. (a) It shall be unlawful to harvest gray fox except as otherwise provided in this chapter and directed gray fox harvest seasons shall not be established. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, the collateral take of gray fox shall not be unlawful south of the Chesapeake and […]