§ 2301. Minimum size. It shall be unlawful for any person to take from any waters within the jurisdiction of the State or have in his or her possession at any time any hard-shell blue crab measuring less than 5 inches from tip to tip, nor any soft-shell blue crab measuring less than 31/2 inches […]
§ 2302. Female blue crabs bearing eggs. It shall be unlawful for any person to take or have in his or her possession or offer for sale at any time any female blue crab bearing eggs visible thereon (sponge crabs), or any female blue crab from which the egg pouch or bunion has been removed. […]
§ 2303. Commercial crab pot license. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to catch or land crabs for commercial purposes in this State unless said person has applied for and secured from the Department and has in his or her possession a valid commercial crab pot license. The fee for a resident commercial […]
§ 2304. Area permitted for commercial crabbing. It shall be unlawful for any commercial crabber to catch or take, or attempt to catch or take, for commercial purposes any hard-shell, soft-shell or peeler crabs from any waters of the rivers and bays of this State and the tributaries thereof or sell, offer for sale or […]
§ 2305. Seasons; limits. (a) No person shall catch and take or attempt to catch and take crabs in any of the waters under the jurisdiction of this State with any commercial crab pot between December 1 of each year and the last day of February immediately following. (b) The Department may restrict the number […]
§ 2306. Marking of commercial crab pots and vessels; penalties. (a) The buoys of all crab pots placed for commercial purposes shall be colored a specific color combination as assigned to each commercial crab pot licensee. The crabbing vessel specified on the license shall display the same color code assigned to the licensee on a […]
§ 2307. Crab dredger’s license; fees. It shall be unlawful for any person to dredge for blue crabs in this State unless said person has applied for and secured from the Department and has in his or her possession a valid crab dredger’s license. The fee for a resident crab dredger’s license shall be $57.50. […]
§ 2308. Area where dredging permitted; method of taking; crabs taken by oysterers or clammers. (a) Dredging for blue crabs is permitted only on unleased shellfish grounds in Delaware Bay. Under no circumstances shall any person operate a dredge for the purpose of taking crabs over leased shellfish grounds, natural oyster beds, public tonging areas […]
§ 2309. Unloading locations. It shall be unlawful for any person to unload blue crabs taken from the waters or shellfish grounds within the jurisdiction of the State at any port or unloading facilities located outside the geographic boundaries of the State. 60 Del. Laws, c. 513, § 2;
§ 2310. Noncommercial crabbing; daily limits. (a) Noncommercial crabbing is permitted in any of the waters under the jurisdiction of the State unless otherwise posted by the Department. (b) It is unlawful for any person actively engaged in noncommercial crabbing to sell any crabs. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person to place, use, […]
§ 2311. Crab pot attendance; abandonment; confiscation; forfeiture. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person who places, uses or sets a crab pot in the tidal waters of this State to fail to tend and remove crabs from said crab pot at least once every 72 hours. (b) Failure to tend and remove crabs […]
§ 2312. Vessels used by commercial crab dredgers in Delaware waters. (a) It shall be unlawful for a crab dredge licensee to dredge crabs from the waters of this State from any vessel other than 1 vessel owned and operated by said crab dredge licensee. The vessel shall be listed on the crab dredger’s license. […]