§ 2501. Size limit. It shall be unlawful for any person to take from any waters within the jurisdiction of the State or have in that person’s possession at any time any American lobster with a minimum carapace length measuring less than 31/4 inches between January 1, 1989 and December 31, 1990; 39/3 2 inches […]
§ 2502. Female lobsters bearing eggs. It shall be unlawful for a person to take, offer for sale or have in his or her possession at any time any female lobster bearing eggs visible thereon (berried lobsters) or any female lobster from which the eggs have been removed. 7 Del. C. 1953, § 2502; 55 […]
§ 2503. Landing of dismembered lobsters. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to bring to shore in Delaware or have in possession on the waters of this State any dismembered lobsters, detached tails or claws, picked or cooked lobster meat. 60 Del. Laws, c. 513, § 2;
§ 2504. Commercial lobster pot license. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to catch or land lobsters for commercial purposes in this State unless said person has applied for, secured from the Department and has in his or her possession a valid commercial lobster pot license. The fee for a resident commercial lobster […]
§ 2505. Area permitted; method of taking. (a) Potting for lobsters is permitted in any waters under the jurisdiction of the State. (b) It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take lobsters for commercial purposes by any method other than a lobster pot. The number of and design of said pots will be […]
§ 2506. Marking of commercial lobster pots and vessels. The buoys of all lobster pots placed for commercial purposes shall be marked with the color code and number that is assigned to each commercial lobster pot licensee. All buoys must be of a positive flotation material. The lobstering vessel specified on the license shall display […]
§ 2507. Seasons; limits. The Department will establish by regulation the seasons for the taking of lobsters and will determine the number of lobster pots which may be set by any 1 licensee. If, in its discretion, the Department determines from biological evidence that emergency restrictions are necessary to protect lobsters or other shellfish resources […]
§ 2508. Noncommercial lobstering. (a) A lobster pot placed by a person for noncommercial purposes shall be marked with a buoy painted white and have black lettering, and be marked with the initials “N.C.” followed by a dash and then followed by the owner’s initials (i.e., John Smith would mark his lobster pot buoys as […]
§ 2509. Unloading locations. It shall be unlawful for any person to unload lobsters taken from the waters or shellfish grounds within the jurisdiction of the State at any port or unloading facilities located outside the geographic boundaries of the State. Any person violating this section will be guilty of a class C environmental violation. […]