§ 2701. Authority of the Department. (a) The Department shall establish and administer a program for the conservation and management of horseshoe crabs. Such program shall include the promulgation of regulations for: (1) Administration of a permitting system and issuance of permits as defined by this chapter; (2) Designation of areas for harvest and restriction […]
§ 2702. Scientific collecting permit. The Department may issue a scientific collecting permit to a person to permit the collecting of horseshoe crabs solely for scientific, medical or educational purposes. There shall be no fee for this collecting permit. The person shall apply to the Department for a collecting permit on an application provided by […]
§ 2703. Dredging. Unless otherwise authorized by the Department, it shall be unlawful for any person to use dredges to take horseshoe crabs in this State unless said person has a valid horseshoe crab dredge permit issued annually by the Department. The fee for a resident horseshoe crab dredge permit shall be $100. The fee […]
§ 2704. Collecting permits for other than scientific purposes. (a) A commercial collecting permit shall be required of any individual 16 years of age or older, (including a property owner), collecting horseshoe crabs, except for personal, noncommercial uses. The collection fee to obtain a commercial collecting permit for residents of Delaware shall be $100. The […]
§ 2705. Penalties. (a) Any person who is convicted 2 times in the same calendar year for violations of this chapter or any regulation promulgated by the Department pursuant thereto shall be subject to the following provisions: (1) If the person holds a valid permit at the time of the second conviction, said permit shall […]