§ 4106. Ditch commissioners; membership; qualifications; term; vacancies; secretary. (a) A board of ditch commissioners, consisting of 3 ditch commissioners and 3 alternate ditch commissioners, is continued for each county within the State. Upon the expiration of the terms of office of the present and all future commissioners, the resident judge for each county shall […]
§ 4107. Disqualification of members. In those cases where any member of the board of ditch commissioners owns lands within the boundary of a proposed tax ditch, such member shall not serve as a member of said board on that particular tax ditch and an alternate ditch commissioner shall serve in the member’s stead. 48 […]
§ 4108. Chairperson; quorum; voting. A chairperson of each board of ditch commissioners shall be designated by the members thereof and such designation may be changed from time to time. A majority of the ditch commissioners of each board shall constitute a quorum and the concurrence of a majority in any matter within their duties […]
§ 4109. Compensation; expenses and reimbursement. (a) The ditch commissioners shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for their expenses necessarily incurred in the discharge of their duty at a per diem rate set by the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, not to exceed $50, plus mileage reimbursement at the rate […]
§ 4110. Employment of qualified personnel. The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control shall employ personnel, including a Registered Professional Engineer, authorized to practice engineering in this State under Chapter 28 of Title 24, who is qualified by experience in hydraulic engineering, drainage and soil work, to assist it in carrying out its functions […]
§ 4111. Employment of personnel; purchase of supplies and equipment. The Department may employ such personnel and obtain by purchase or otherwise such supplies and equipment as are necessary to carry out this chapter. 48 Del. Laws, c. 151, § 6; 7 Del. C. 1953, § 4111;