§ 4136. Action by Superior Court; notice of final hearing. (a) After the report and statement of the board of ditch commissioners have been filed in the office of the prothonotary of the appropriate county, they shall be carefully reviewed by the Superior Court of the county. (b) If the report of a majority of […]
§ 4137. Final hearing; ditch order. At least 10 days prior to the date set for the final hearing before the Superior Court, any interested person may file an objection in writing to the report of the board of ditch commissioners. The Superior Court shall review the report of the board of ditch commissioners and […]
§ 4138. Right to jury trial; procedure. When objections to the report of the board of ditch commissioners are filed in writing with the Superior Court and when the party filing feels aggrieved by the report of the board of ditch commissioners, such party may apply to the Superior Court, within 30 days after the […]
§ 4139. Defense of contested ditch orders; Attorney General. If the ditch order is contested, the board of ditch commissioners shall defend the order, and in conducting its defense, the board shall be represented by the Attorney General of the State. 48 Del. Laws, c. 151, § 29; 7 Del. C. 1953, § 4139;
§ 4140. Notice of final action on ditch order. When the ditch order has become effective because no objection has been filed, or because the right to appeal therefrom has expired, the prothonotary shall notify the Division of Watershed Stewardship and the appropriate county soil conservation district accordingly, and shall forward 2 certified copies of […]
§ 4141. Permanent court record. The ditch order, together with any amendment thereto, shall be a permanent court record and shall be kept in the office of the prothonotary of the county wherein it was issued and copies of the ditch order shall be recorded in a Tax Ditch Volume in the office of the […]
§ 4142. Employment of private engineer by landowners. If the board of supervisors of the county soil conservation district in which all or the major portion of the area involved is located determines that the formation of a tax ditch is practicable and feasible and is in the interest of the public health, safety and […]
§ 4143. Exclusive procedure for determination of damages. The determination, assessment or award of damages or other compensation to be paid to any landowner in connection with the formation of a tax ditch shall be made under and in accordance with this chapter. Chapter 61 of Title 10 shall not be applicable to proceedings to […]