§ 5701. Declaration of policy and intent. (a) It is the policy and purpose of the State to obtain from the federal government all available relief and assistance to alleviate suffering and damage resulting from major disasters, such as flood, storm, hurricane, fire, drought or other catastrophe, in any part of the State, and to […]
§ 5702. Authority of Governor or designated representative to act for State. (a) The Governor, or such officer, agency or department of the State as shall be designated in writing by the Governor to act as the State’s representative, may enter into such agreements with the federal government, or an agency thereof, as the Governor […]
§ 5703. Costs and expense; fund to be charged. Such sums as may be required, whether in payment of the costs of necessary legal proceedings, as compensation to property owners, or in furtherance of any agreement authorized by § 5702 of this title, shall be charged against any special or emergency appropriation made by the […]
§ 5704. Powers of Governor and Secretary of State. (a) The Governor and the Secretary of State may do all things necessary and proper to provide for disaster recovery and rehabilitation. (b) The Governor may receive and disburse on vouchers signed by the Secretary of State, sums of money from the United States federal government […]