§ 6043. Findings, purpose, and definitions. (a) Findings. — The General Assembly hereby makes the following findings concerning the development, utilization and control of the air resources of the State related to impacts of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions: (1) There is growing scientific consensus that the increased anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are enhancing the […]
§ 6044. Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. (a) The General Assembly explicitly authorizes and sanctions the prior and ongoing participation of the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, and the Chair of the Public Service Commission, and their duly authorized representatives, as part of their official duties, to implement and participate in […]
§ 6045. Auction of allowances. (a) The Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control is hereby authorized to establish, implement and manage an auction program to sell CO2 allowances into a market based trading program consistent with the RGGI Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and this statute. The Secretary shall make every effort […]
§ 6046. Auction revenue. (a) All proceeds associated with the auction of CO2 allowances shall be directed to public benefit purposes as defined herein. (b) The Secretary shall hold any and all auction proceeds in an interest bearing account with all interest directed to the account to carry out the purposes set forth herein. (c) […]
§ 6047. Federal preemption. Should a national cap and trade program essentially equivalent to the requirements of Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) be promulgated by the federal government, Delaware may transition into the federal program and suspend or amend its regulations accordingly, provided that any unspent funds remaining with the Sustainable Energy Utility or Department […]