§ 6081. Reporting on source water protection. (a) The Secretary shall prepare, periodically, a report to the Governor and General Assembly, beginning in 2003, of the potential threats, including contaminants currently not regulated, to public drinking water systems. The report shall identify actions that the Secretary proposes to control these threats. (b) The Secretary shall […]
§ 6082. Adoption of source water assessment, wellhead protection, and excellent ground-water recharge potential areas by counties and municipalities. (a) By December 31, 2004, the Department shall develop a guidance manual, in conjunction with and with the substantial concurrence of the Source Water Protection Citizens Technical Advisory Committee, for desirable land uses within source water […]
§ 6083. Adoption of source water assessment, wellhead protection and excellent ground-water recharge potential areas by the Governor’s Cabinet Committee on State Planning Issues. The Department shall make source water assessment, wellhead protection and excellent ground-water recharge potential area delineations available for maps developed as part of “Shaping Delaware’s Future: Managing Growth in 21st Century […]
§ 6084. Source Water Protection Citizen and Technical Advisory Committee. The Secretary shall consult a citizen and technical advisory committee, as established by the Delaware Source Water Assessment Plan, on matters related to the implementation of the Source Water Assessment Plan and the requirements of this statute. 73 Del. Laws, c. 67, § 2; 70 […]