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§ 6450. Findings; policy; purpose.

§ 6450. Findings; policy; purpose. The General Assembly hereby makes the following findings and declares the following policies and purposes with respect to the recycling and reduction of solid waste materials. It is determined that the reduction of solid waste disposal and recovery of usable materials from solid waste are matters of extreme importance in […]

§ 6451. Definitions.

§ 6451. Definitions. The following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subchapter: (1) “Organic yard waste” means plant material resulting from lawn maintenance and other horticultural gardening and landscaping activities and includes grass, leaves, prunings, brush, shrubs, garden material, Christmas trees and tree limbs up to 4 inches in diameter. (2) […]

§ 6452. Statewide recycling and waste reduction plan.

§ 6452. Statewide recycling and waste reduction plan. The Authority shall, pursuant to the provisions of § 6403(j) of this title, incorporate into the statewide solid waste management plan, to the extent deemed necessary, provisions for: (1) The long term planning of a coordinated program of source separation of recyclable materials and utilization of large […]

§ 6453. Recyclable materials.

§ 6453. Recyclable materials. (a) The Authority shall consider, as part of its source separated recycling and waste reduction program, recovery and use of the following materials: (1) Newsprint. (2) Computer paper. (3) White paper. (4) Corrugated and other cardboard. (5) Plastics. (6) Ferrous metals. (7) Nonferrous metals. (8) White goods. (9) Organic yard waste. […]

§ 6454. Recycling centers.

§ 6454. Recycling centers. Implementation of efficient and cost-effective recycling programs will require that Delaware have access to facilities capable of processing source separated recyclables. Where the private sector has developed extensive recyclables processing capability and where unique programs that provide incentives to the general public to recycle that are not available to Delaware residents, […]

§ 6456. Registration of recycling and resource recovery facilities.

§ 6456. Registration of recycling and resource recovery facilities. Any person engaged in recycling or resources recovery of source separated solid waste generated in the State shall file with the Authority an annual registration statement containing such information as specified in regulations adopted by the Authority. No fee shall be charged as part of the […]

§ 6457. Funding.

§ 6457. Funding. Except as specifically provided otherwise for the operation of recycling centers under § 6454 of this title, the costs of implementing programs related to recycling and waste reduction may be funded to the fullest extent authorized for other Authority activities under the provisions of this subchapter. 67 Del. Laws, c. 432, § […]

§ 6458. Marketing of recyclable materials.

§ 6458. Marketing of recyclable materials. The Authority shall be entitled to obtain, develop, create and promote state, national and international markets for usable materials recovered from recycling and resources recovery activities. The Authority shall seek to obtain the best available pricing for recovered materials, with due consideration to other pertinent factors, under short or […]

§ 6459. Annual report.

§ 6459. Annual report. The Authority’s annual report submitted under § 6416 of this title shall set forth its operations and transactions involving recycling and waste reduction, and shall include information pertaining to the advice, assistance, and cooperative efforts extended by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control to the Authority regarding the recycling […]

§ 6460. Energy resource recovery study — Kent and Sussex Counties.

§ 6460. Energy resource recovery study — Kent and Sussex Counties. In addition to the requirements of § 6429 of this title, the Authority is directed to undertake a feasibility analysis of establishing separate material and energy recovery facilities to Kent County and Sussex County independently. Such analysis shall include consideration of the availability of […]