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Home » US Law » 2022 Delaware Code » Title 7 - Conservation » Part VII » Natural Resources » Chapter 73. NATURAL AREAS PRESERVATION SYSTEM

§ 7301. Statement of policy.

§ 7301. Statement of policy. (a) Because of the continuing growth of the population and the development of the economy of the State, it is necessary and desirable that areas of unusual natural significance be set aside and preserved for the benefit of present and future generations before they have been destroyed, for once destroyed […]

§ 7302. Definitions.

§ 7302. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) “Articles of dedication” shall mean the writing by which any estate, interest or right in an area is formally dedicated as permitted by § […]

§ 7303. Statement of purpose.

§ 7303. Statement of purpose. In order to secure for the people of the State of present and future generations the benefits of an enduring resource of areas having 1 or more of the characteristics referred to in § 7302(5) of this title, the State, acting through the Department, shall acquire and hold in trust […]

§ 7304. Designation of Office of Nature Preserves.

§ 7304. Designation of Office of Nature Preserves. There is hereby designated within the Department an Office of Nature Preserves, which shall administer for the Department this chapter. 61 Del. Laws, c. 212, § 2; 

§ 7305. Delaware Natural Areas Advisory Council.

§ 7305. Delaware Natural Areas Advisory Council. (a) There is hereby created a Delaware Natural Areas Advisory Council to advise the Secretary of the Department on the administration of nature preserves and the preservation of natural areas. (b) The Council shall have 8 members. The Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control […]

§ 7306. Dedication process.

§ 7306. Dedication process. (a) The Department is authorized and empowered, for and on behalf of the State, to acquire nature preserves by gift, devise, purchase, exchange or any other method of acquiring real property or any estate, interest or right therein, provided that such acquisition shall not be made through the exercise of the […]

§ 7307. Additional powers and duties of Department.

§ 7307. Additional powers and duties of Department. In furtherance of the purposes of this chapter and in implementation of the powers and duties elsewhere provided in this chapter, the Department shall have the following additional powers and duties: (1) To formulate policies for the selection, acquisition, use, management and protection of nature preserves; (2) […]

§ 7308. Change in status from that of dedicated nature preserve.

§ 7308. Change in status from that of dedicated nature preserve. Nature preserves dedicated under § 7306 of this title are to be held in trust, for the uses and purposes set forth for the benefit of the people of the State of present and future generations. They shall be managed and protected in the […]

§ 7309. Public participation.

§ 7309. Public participation. Before the Department makes any finding of the existence of an imperative and unavoidable public necessity, or grants any estate, interest or right in a nature preserve or disposes of a nature preserve or of any estate, interest or right therein, as provided in § 7308 of this title, it shall […]

§ 7310. Enforcement.

§ 7310. Enforcement. Enforcement of this chapter, including enforcement of the articles of dedication, shall be the responsibility of the Department. 61 Del. Laws, c. 212, § 2; 

§ 7311. Transfer of natural areas.

§ 7311. Transfer of natural areas. All units, departments, agencies and instrumentalities of the State, including (without limitation upon the generality of the foregoing by reason of specification) counties, municipalities, schools, colleges and universities, are empowered and urged to dedicate as nature preserves suitable areas or portions of areas within their jurisdiction. 61 Del. Laws, […]

§ 7312. Additional protection unimpaired.

§ 7312. Additional protection unimpaired. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed as interfering with the purposes stated in the establishment of or pertaining to any state or local park, preserve, wildlife refuge or other area or the proper management and development thereof, except that any agency administering an area dedicated as a nature […]