§ 7401B. Establishment and purpose of the Boiler Safety Program. (a) The Boiler Safety Program is established and shall have the powers, duties and functions set forth in this chapter. The Program shall be responsible for the administrative, ministerial, budgetary, clerical and investigative functions as provided by law. (b) The primary objective of the Boiler […]
§ 7402B. Definitions. (a) “Boiler” shall mean a closed vessel in which water is heated, steam is generated, steam is superheated, or any combination thereof, under pressure or vacuum for use externally to itself by the direct application of heat from the combustion of fuels, or from electricity or nuclear energy. The term “boiler” shall […]
§ 7403B. Program duties and responsibilities. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 7401B(c) of this title, the Secretary or the Secretary’s designee shall have immediate access to the premises for investigation purposes in the event of an accident related to the construction, operation, maintenance or repair of a boiler, pressure vessel or nuclear installation. (b) […]
§ 7404B. Council on Boiler Safety. (a) There is established the Council on Boiler Safety. (b) The Council on Boiler Safety shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Secretary or the Secretary’s designee and shall consider matters relating to the sale, operation, construction and use of boilers in this State and such other matters […]