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Home » US Law » 2022 Florida Statutes » Title IX - Electors and Elections » Chapter 101 - Voting Methods and Procedure

101.001 – Precincts and Polling Places; Boundaries.

101.001 Precincts and polling places; boundaries.— (1) The board of county commissioners in each county, upon recommendation and approval of the supervisor, shall alter or create precincts for voting in the county. Each precinct shall be numbered and, as nearly as practicable, composed of contiguous and compact areas. The supervisor shall designate a polling place at a […]

101.002 – Use of System by Municipalities.

101.002 Use of system by municipalities.— (1) The board of county commissioners, with the concurrence of the supervisor of elections, may arrange the boundaries of the precincts in each municipality within the county to conform to the boundaries of the municipality, subject to the concurrence of the governing body of the municipality. All binders, files, and other […]

101.015 – Standards for Voting Systems.

101.015 Standards for voting systems.— (1) The Department of State shall adopt rules which establish minimum standards for hardware and software for electronic and electromechanical voting systems. Such rules shall contain standards for: (a) Functional requirements; (b) Performance levels; (c) Physical and design characteristics; (d) Documentation requirements; and (e) Evaluation criteria. (2) Each odd-numbered year the Department of State shall review the rules […]

101.017 – Bureau of Voting Systems Certification.

101.017 Bureau of Voting Systems Certification.—There is created a Bureau of Voting Systems Certification within the Division of Elections of the Department of State which shall provide technical support to the supervisors of elections and which is responsible for voting system standards and certification. The positions necessary for the bureau to accomplish its duties shall be […]

101.019 – Ranked-Choice Voting Prohibited.

101.019 Ranked-choice voting prohibited.— (1) A ranked-choice voting method that allows voters to rank candidates for an office in order of preference and has ballots cast 1to be tabulated in multiple rounds following the elimination of a candidate until a single candidate attains a majority may not be used in determining the election or nomination of any […]

101.031 – Instructions for Electors.

101.031 Instructions for electors.— (1) The Department of State, or in case of municipal elections the governing body of the municipality, shall print, in large type on cards, instructions for the electors to use in voting. It shall provide not less than two cards for each voting precinct for each election and furnish such cards to each […]

101.041 – Secret Voting.

101.041 Secret voting.—In all elections held on any subject which may be submitted to a vote, and for all or any state, county, district, or municipal officers, the voting shall be by secret, official ballot as provided by this code, and no vote shall be received or counted in any election, except as prescribed by this […]

101.043 – Identification Required at Polls.

101.043 Identification required at polls.— (1)(a) The precinct register, as prescribed in s. 98.461, shall be used at the polls for the purpose of identifying the elector at the polls before allowing him or her to vote. The clerk or inspector shall require each elector, upon entering the polling place, to present one of the following current […]

101.048 – Provisional Ballots.

101.048 Provisional ballots.— (1) At all elections, a voter claiming to be properly registered in the state and eligible to vote at the precinct in the election but whose eligibility cannot be determined, a person whom an election official asserts is not eligible, and other persons specified in the code shall be entitled to vote a provisional […]

101.049 – Provisional Ballots; Special Circumstances.

101.049 Provisional ballots; special circumstances.— (1) Any person who votes in an election after the regular poll-closing time pursuant to a court or other order extending the statutory polling hours must vote a provisional ballot. Once voted, the provisional ballot shall be placed in a secrecy envelope and thereafter sealed in a provisional ballot envelope. The election […]

101.111 – Voter Challenges.

101.111 Voter challenges.— (1)(a) Any registered elector or poll watcher of a county may challenge the right of a person to vote in that county. The challenge must be in writing and contain the following oath, which shall be delivered to the clerk or inspector: OATH OF PERSON ENTERING CHALLENGE State of Florida County of   I […]

101.131 – Watchers at Polls.

101.131 Watchers at polls.— (1) Each political party and each candidate may have one watcher in each polling room or early voting area at any one time during the election. A political committee formed for the specific purpose of expressly advocating the passage or defeat of an issue on the ballot may have one watcher for each […]

101.151 – Specifications for Ballots.

101.151 Specifications for ballots.— (1)(a) Marksense ballots shall be printed on paper of such thickness that the printing cannot be distinguished from the back and shall meet the specifications of the voting system that will be used to tabulate the ballots. (b) Polling places and early voting sites may employ a ballot-on-demand production system to print individual marksense […]

101.161 – Referenda; Ballots.

101.161 Referenda; ballots.— (1) Whenever a constitutional amendment or other public measure is submitted to the vote of the people, a ballot summary of such amendment or other public measure shall be printed in clear and unambiguous language on the ballot after the list of candidates, followed by the word “yes” and also by the word “no,” […]

101.171 – Copy of Constitutional Amendment to Be Available at Voting Locations.

101.171 Copy of constitutional amendment to be available at voting locations.—Whenever any amendment to the State Constitution is to be voted upon at any election, the Department of State shall have printed and shall furnish to each supervisor of elections a sufficient number of copies of the amendment either in poster or booklet form, and the […]

101.20 – Publication of Ballot Form; Sample Ballots.

101.20 Publication of ballot form; sample ballots.— (1) Two sample ballots shall be furnished to each polling place by the officer whose duty it is to provide official ballots. The sample ballots shall be in the form of the official ballot as it will appear at that polling place on election day. Sample ballots shall be open […]

101.21 – Official Ballots; Number; Printing; Payment.

101.21 Official ballots; number; printing; payment.—Where applicable, the supervisor of elections shall determine the actual number of ballots to be printed. The printing and delivery of ballots and cards of instruction shall, in a municipal election, be paid for by the municipality, and in all other elections by the county. History.—ss. 29, 37, ch. 4328, 1895; […]