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Home » US Law » 2022 Florida Statutes » Title IX - Electors and Elections » Chapter 102 - Conducting Elections and Ascertaining the Results

102.012 – Inspectors and Clerks to Conduct Elections.

102.012 Inspectors and clerks to conduct elections.— (1)(a) The supervisor of elections of each county, at least 20 days prior to the holding of any election, shall appoint an election board comprised of poll workers who serve as clerks or inspectors for each precinct in the county. The clerk shall be in charge of, and responsible for, […]

102.014 – Poll Worker Recruitment and Training.

102.014 Poll worker recruitment and training.— (1) The supervisor of elections shall conduct training for inspectors, clerks, and deputy sheriffs prior to each primary, general, and special election for the purpose of instructing such persons in their duties and responsibilities as election officials. The Division of Elections shall develop a statewide uniform training curriculum for poll workers, […]

102.021 – Compensation of Inspectors, Clerks, and Deputy Sheriffs.

102.021 Compensation of inspectors, clerks, and deputy sheriffs.— (1) Each inspector and each clerk of any election and each deputy sheriff serving at a precinct shall be paid for his or her services by the supervisor of elections, and each inspector who delivers the returns to the county seat shall receive such sums as the supervisor of […]

102.031 – Maintenance of Good Order at Polls; Authorities; Persons Allowed in Polling Rooms and Early Voting Areas; Unlawful Solicitation of Voters.

102.031 Maintenance of good order at polls; authorities; persons allowed in polling rooms and early voting areas; unlawful solicitation of voters.— (1) Each election board shall possess full authority to maintain order at the polls and enforce obedience to its lawful commands during an election and the canvass of the votes. (2) The sheriff shall deputize a deputy […]

102.071 – Tabulation of Votes and Proclamation of Results.

102.071 Tabulation of votes and proclamation of results.—The election board shall post at the polls, for the benefit of the public, the results of the voting for each office or other item on the ballot as the count is completed. Upon completion of all counts in all races, a certificate of the results shall be drawn […]

102.072 – Vote-by-Mail Count Reporting.

102.072 Vote-by-mail count reporting.—Beginning at 7 p.m. on election day, the supervisor must, at least once every hour while actively counting, post on his or her website the number of vote-by-mail ballots that have been received and the number of vote-by-mail ballots that remain uncounted. History.—s. 30, ch. 2021-11; s. 6, ch. 2022-4.

102.091 – Duty of Sheriff to Watch for Violations; Appointment of Special Officers.

102.091 Duty of sheriff to watch for violations; appointment of special officers.— (1) The sheriff shall exercise strict vigilance in the detection of any violations of the election laws and in apprehending the violators. (2) The Governor, in consultation with the executive director of the Department of Law Enforcement, shall appoint special officers to investigate alleged violations of […]

102.101 – Sheriff and Other Officers Not Allowed in Polling Place.

102.101 Sheriff and other officers not allowed in polling place.—A sheriff, a deputy sheriff, a police officer, a special officer appointed pursuant to s. 102.091, or any other officer of the law is not allowed within a polling place without permission from the clerk or a majority of the inspectors, except to cast his or her […]

102.111 – Elections Canvassing Commission.

102.111 Elections Canvassing Commission.— (1) The Elections Canvassing Commission shall consist of the Governor and two members of the Cabinet selected by the Governor, all of whom shall serve ex officio. If a member of the commission is unable to serve for any reason, the Governor shall appoint a remaining member of the Cabinet. If there is […]

102.112 – Deadline for Submission of County Returns to the Department of State.

102.112 Deadline for submission of county returns to the Department of State.— (1) The county canvassing board or a majority thereof shall file the county returns for the election of a federal or state officer with the Department of State immediately after certification of the election results. The returns must contain a certification by the canvassing board […]

102.121 – Elections Canvassing Commission to Issue Certificates.

102.121 Elections Canvassing Commission to issue certificates.—The Elections Canvassing Commission shall make and sign separate certificates of the result of the election for federal and state officers, which certificates shall be written and contain the total number of votes cast for each person for each office. The certificates, the one including the result of the election […]

102.131 – Returns Before Canvassing Commission.

102.131 Returns before canvassing commission.—If any returns shall appear to be irregular or false so that the Elections Canvassing Commission is unable to determine the true vote for any office, nomination, constitutional amendment, or other measure presented to the electors, the commission shall so certify and shall not include the returns in its determination, canvass, and […]

102.141 – County Canvassing Board; Duties.

102.141 County canvassing board; duties.— (1) The county canvassing board shall be composed of the supervisor of elections; a county court judge, who shall act as chair; and the chair of the board of county commissioners. The names of the canvassing board members must be published on the supervisor’s website upon completion of the logic and accuracy […]

102.155 – Certificate of Election.

102.155 Certificate of election.—The supervisor shall give to any person the election of whom is certified by the county canvassing board a certificate of the person’s election. The Department of State shall give to any person the election of whom is certified by the state canvassing board a certificate of the person’s election. The certificate of […]

102.166 – Manual Recounts of Overvotes and Undervotes.

102.166 Manual recounts of overvotes and undervotes.— (1) If the second set of unofficial returns pursuant to s. 102.141 indicates that a candidate for any office was defeated or eliminated by one-quarter of a percent or less of the votes cast for such office, that a candidate for retention to a judicial office was retained or not […]

102.168 – Contest of Election.

102.168 Contest of election.— (1) Except as provided in s. 102.171, the certification of election or nomination of any person to office, or of the result on any question submitted by referendum, may be contested in the circuit court by any unsuccessful candidate for such office or nomination thereto or by any elector qualified to vote in […]

102.1685 – Venue.

102.1685 Venue.—The venue for contesting a nomination or election or the results of a referendum shall be in the county in which the contestant qualified or in the county in which the question was submitted for referendum or, if the election or referendum covered more than one county, then in Leon County. History.—s. 3, ch. 26870, […]

102.169 – Quo Warranto Not Abridged.

102.169 Quo warranto not abridged.—Nothing in this code shall be construed to abrogate or abridge any remedy that may now exist by quo warranto, but in such case the proceeding prescribed in s. 102.168 shall be an alternative or cumulative remedy. History.—RS 203; GS 287; RGS 383; CGL 448; s. 3, ch. 26870, 1951; s. 19, […]