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Home » US Law » 2022 Florida Statutes » Title XII - Municipalities » Chapter 177 - Land Boundaries » Part I - Platting (Ss. 177.011-177.151)

177.011 – Purpose and scope of part I.

177.011 Purpose and scope of part I.—This part shall be deemed to establish consistent minimum requirements, and to create such additional powers in local governing bodies, as herein provided to regulate and control the platting of lands. This part establishes minimum requirements and does not exclude additional provisions or regulations by local ordinance, laws, or regulations. […]

177.021 – Legal status of recorded plats.

177.021 Legal status of recorded plats.—The recording of any plats made in compliance with the provisions of this part shall serve to establish the identity of all lands shown on and being a part of such plats, and lands may thenceforth be conveyed by reference to such plat. History.—s. 1, ch. 71-339; s. 1, ch. 98-20.

177.031 – Definitions.

177.031 Definitions.—As used in this part: (1) “Alley” means a right-of-way providing a secondary means of access and service to abutting property. (2) “Block” includes “tier” or “group” and means a group of lots existing within well-defined and fixed boundaries, usually being an area surrounded by streets or other physical barriers and having an assigned number, letter, or […]

177.041 – Boundary survey and title opinion or property information report required.

177.041 Boundary survey and title opinion or property information report required.—Every plat or replat of a subdivision submitted to the approving agency of the local governing body must be accompanied by: (1) A boundary survey of the platted lands. However, a new boundary survey for a replat is required only when the replat affects any boundary of […]

177.051 – Name and replat of subdivision.

177.051 Name and replat of subdivision.— (1) Every subdivision shall be given a name by which it shall be legally known. For the purpose of this section, that name is the “primary name.” The primary name shall not be the same or in any way so similar to any name appearing on any recorded plat in the […]

177.061 – Qualification and statement required.

177.061 Qualification and statement required.—Every plat offered for recording pursuant to the provisions of this part must be prepared by a professional surveyor and mapper. The plat must be signed and sealed by that professional surveyor and mapper, who must state on the plat that the plat was prepared under his or her direction and supervision […]

177.071 – Approval of plat by governing bodies.

177.071 Approval of plat by governing bodies.— (1) Before a plat is offered for recording, it must be approved by the appropriate governing body, and evidence of such approval must be placed on the plat. If not approved, the governing body must return the plat to the professional surveyor and mapper or the legal entity offering the […]

177.081 – Dedication and approval.

177.081 Dedication and approval.— (1) Prior to approval by the appropriate governing body, the plat shall be reviewed for conformity to this chapter by a professional surveyor and mapper either employed by or under contract to the local governing body, the costs of which shall be borne by the legal entity offering the plat for recordation, and […]

177.085 – Platted streets; reversionary clauses.

177.085 Platted streets; reversionary clauses.— (1) When any owner of land subdivides the land and dedicates streets, other roadways, alleys or similar strips on the map or plat, and the dedication contains a provision that the reversionary interest in the street, roadway, alley or other similar strip is reserved unto the dedicator or his or her heirs, […]

177.086 – Installation of cul-de-sacs.

177.086 Installation of cul-de-sacs.—In the event a municipality or county installs a cul-de-sac on a street or road under its jurisdiction and thereby discontinues use of any existing street or road right-of-way, such discontinuance shall not operate to abandon or vacate the unused right-of-way unless the governing body of the municipality or county adopts a resolution […]

177.091 – Plats made for recording.

177.091 Plats made for recording.—Every plat of a subdivision offered for recording shall conform to the following: (1) It must be: (a) An original drawing made with black permanent drawing ink; or (b) A nonadhered scaled print on a stable base film made by photographic processes from a film scribing tested for residual hypo testing solution to assure permanency. […]

177.101 – Vacation and annulment of plats subdividing land.

177.101 Vacation and annulment of plats subdividing land.— (1) Whenever it is discovered, after the plat has been recorded in the public records, that the developer has previously caused the lands embraced in the second plat to be differently subdivided under and by virtue of another plat of the same identical lands, and the first plat was […]

177.107 – Closing and abandonment of roads; optional conveyance to a community development district; traffic control jurisdiction.

177.107 Closing and abandonment of roads; optional conveyance to a community development district; traffic control jurisdiction.— (1) The governing body of a municipality or county may abandon the roads and rights-of-way dedicated in a recorded residential subdivision plat and simultaneously convey the municipality’s or county’s interest in such roads, rights-of-way, and appurtenant drainage facilities to a community […]

177.111 – Instructions for filing plat.

177.111 Instructions for filing plat.—After the approval by the appropriate governing body required by s. 177.071, the plat shall be recorded by the circuit court clerk or other recording officer upon submission thereto of such approved plat. The circuit court clerk or other recording officer shall maintain in his or her office a book of the […]

177.121 – Misdemeanor to molest monument or deface or destroy map or plat.

177.121 Misdemeanor to molest monument or deface or destroy map or plat.—It is a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, for any person to molest any monuments established according to this part or to deface or destroy any map or plat placed on public record. History.—s. 1A, ch. […]

177.131 – Recordation of the Department of Transportation official right-of-way maps and other governmental right-of-way maps.

177.131 Recordation of the Department of Transportation official right-of-way maps and other governmental right-of-way maps.— (1) The circuit court clerk of a county shall record in the public land records of the county any map prepared and adopted by the Department of Transportation or any other governmental entity as its official right-of-way map after the same has […]

177.132 – Preservation of unrecorded maps.

177.132 Preservation of unrecorded maps.— (1) The clerk of the circuit court of a county may receive and copy, as unrecorded maps, otherwise unrecorded plats and maps, including sales maps, which describe or illustrate the boundaries and subdivision of parcels of land, but which do not necessarily indicate proper metes and bounds or otherwise comply with the […]

177.141 – Affidavit confirming error on a recorded plat.

177.141 Affidavit confirming error on a recorded plat.—In the event an error or omission in the data shown on any plat duly recorded under the provisions of this part is detected by subsequent examination or revealed by a retracement of the original survey of the lands shown on such recorded plat, the professional surveyor and mapper […]

177.142 – Renaming of subdivisions and streets on plats and maps.

177.142 Renaming of subdivisions and streets on plats and maps.—If the local governing body determines that a subdivision, street, or other name appearing on a recorded plat or map or an unrecorded map maintained by the clerk of the circuit court pursuant to s. 177.132 constitutes an ethnic or racial slur, the local governing body is […]

177.151 – State plane coordinate.

177.151 State plane coordinate.— (1) Coordinates may be used to define or designate the position of points on the surface of the earth within the state for land descriptions and subdivision purposes, provided the initial point in the description shall be tied to the nearest government corner or other recorded and well established corner. The state plane […]