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Home » US Law » 2022 Florida Statutes » Title XII - Municipalities » Chapter 177 - Land Boundaries » Part II - Coastal Mapping (Ss. 177.25-177.40)

177.25 – Short title.

177.25 Short title.—This part shall be cited as the “Florida Coastal Mapping Act of 1974.” History.—s. 1, ch. 74-56.

177.26 – Declaration of policy.

177.26 Declaration of policy.—The Legislature recognizes the desirability of confirmation of the mean high-water line, as recognized in the State Constitution and defined in s. 177.27(15) as the boundary between state sovereignty land and uplands subject to private ownership, as well as the necessity for uniform standards and procedures with respect to the establishment of local […]

177.27 – Definitions.

177.27 Definitions.—The following words, phrases, or terms used herein, unless the context otherwise indicates, shall have the following meanings: (1) “Apparent shoreline” means the line drawn on a map or chart in lieu of the mean high-water line or mean low-water line in areas where either or both may be obscured by marsh or mangrove, cypress, or […]

177.28 – Legal significance of the mean high-water line.

177.28 Legal significance of the mean high-water line.— (1) Mean high-water line along the shores of land immediately bordering on navigable waters is recognized and declared to be the boundary between the foreshore owned by the state in its sovereign capacity and upland subject to private ownership. However, no provision of this part shall be deemed to […]

177.29 – Powers and duties of the department.

177.29 Powers and duties of the department.— (1) The provisions of this part shall be administered by the department. (2) In addition to such powers as may be specifically delegated to it under the provisions of this part, the department is authorized to perform the following functions: (a) To coordinate the efforts of all public and private agencies and […]

177.35 – Standards and procedures; applicability.

177.35 Standards and procedures; applicability.—The establishment of local tidal datums and the determination of the location of the mean high-water line or the mean low-water line, whether by federal, state, or local agencies or private parties, shall be made in accordance with the standards and procedures set forth in ss. 177.37-177.39 and in accordance with supplementary […]

177.36 – Work to be performed only by authorized personnel.

177.36 Work to be performed only by authorized personnel.—The establishment of local tidal datums and the determination of the location of the mean high-water line or the mean low-water line must be performed by qualified personnel licensed by the Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers or by representatives of the United States Government when approved by […]

177.37 – Notification to department.

177.37 Notification to department.—Any surveyor undertaking to establish a local tidal datum and to determine the location of the mean high-water line or the mean low-water line shall submit a copy of the results thereof to the department within 90 days after the completion of such work, if the same is to be recorded or submitted […]

177.38 – Standards for establishment of local tidal datums.

177.38 Standards for establishment of local tidal datums.— (1) Unless otherwise allowed by this part or regulations promulgated hereunder, a local tidal datum shall be established from a series of tide observations taken at a tide station established in accordance with procedures approved by the department. In establishing such procedures, full consideration will be given to the […]

177.39 – Determination of mean high-water line or mean low-water line.

177.39 Determination of mean high-water line or mean low-water line.—The location of the mean high-water line or the mean low-water line shall be determined by methods which are approved by the department for the area concerned. Geodetic bench marks shall not be used unless approved by the department. History.—s. 15, ch. 74-56.

177.40 – Admissibility of maps and surveys.

177.40 Admissibility of maps and surveys.—No map or survey prepared after July 1, 1974, and purporting to establish local tidal datums or to determine the location of the mean high-water line or the mean low-water line shall be admissible as evidence in any court, administrative agency, political subdivision, or tribunal in this state unless made in […]