180.01 Definition of term “municipality.”—The term “municipality,” as used in this chapter, shall mean any city, town, or village duly incorporated under the laws of the state. History.—s. 1, ch. 17118, 1935; CGL 1936 Supp. 3100(6).
180.02 Powers of municipalities.— (1) For the accomplishment of the purposes of this chapter, any municipality may execute its corporate powers within its corporate limits. (2) Any municipality may extend and execute all of its corporate powers applicable for the accomplishment of the purposes of this chapter outside of its corporate limits, as hereinafter provided and as may […]
180.03 Resolution or ordinance proposing construction or extension of utility; objections to same.— (1) When it is proposed to exercise the powers granted by this chapter, a resolution or ordinance shall be passed by the city council, or the legislative body of the municipality, by whatever name known, reciting the utility to be constructed or extended and […]
180.04 Ordinance or resolution authorizing construction or extension of utility; election.—If after the passage of said resolution the said city council or other legislative body, by whatever name known, shall determine to proceed toward the construction of said utility, but not earlier than 40 days after the passage of said ordinance or resolution, the said city […]
180.05 Definition of term “private company.”—A “private company” shall mean any company or corporation duly authorized under the laws of the state to construct or operate water works systems, sewerage systems, sewage treatment works, garbage collection and garbage disposal plants. History.—s. 2, ch. 17118, 1935; CGL 1936 Supp. 3100(7).
180.06 Activities authorized by municipalities and private companies.—Any municipality or private company organized for the purposes contained in this chapter, is authorized: (1) To clean and improve street channels or other bodies of water for sanitary purposes; (2) To provide means for the regulation of the flow of streams for sanitary purposes; (3) To provide water and alternative water […]
180.07 Public utilities; combination of plants or systems; pledge of revenues.— (1) All such reservoirs, sewerage systems, trunk sewers, intercepting sewers, pumping stations, wells, intakes, pipelines, distribution systems, purification works, collecting systems, treatment and disposal works, airports, hospitals, jails and golf courses, and gas plants and distribution systems, whether heretofore or hereafter constructed or operated, are considered […]
180.08 Revenue certificates; terms; price and interest; three-fifths vote of governing body required.— (1) Any municipality which acquires, constructs or extends any of the public utilities authorized by this chapter and desires to raise money for such purpose, may issue mortgage revenue certificates or debentures therefor without regard to the limitations of municipal indebtedness as prescribed by […]
180.09 Notice of resolution or ordinance authorizing issuance of certificates.—Upon the adoption of resolution or ordinance by the city council, or other legislative body, by whatever name known, authorizing the issuance of mortgage revenue certificates or debentures, a notice thereof shall be published once a week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation […]
180.10 When election necessary.—Where any mortgage revenue certificates, debentures, or other evidences of indebtedness shall come within the purview of s. 12, Art. VII of the State Constitution, the same shall be issued only after having been approved by a majority of the votes cast in an election in which a majority of the owners of […]
180.11 Referendum and procedure therefor.— (1) A referendum may be held upon the issuance of such mortgage revenue certificates or debentures in the following manner: a petition shall be filed with the clerk within 30 days after the date of the first publication of the notice of the issuance of the proposed mortgage revenue certificates or debentures […]
180.12 Examinations and surveys.—Any municipality, to carry out the purpose of this chapter, may, through its officers, committees, agents, servants or employees, enter into and upon private property where it is proposed to construct said utility, or extensions thereof to make necessary examinations and surveys, and for such other purposes as may be required in the […]
180.13 Administration of utility; rate fixing and collection of charges.— (1) The city council, or other legislative body of the municipality, by whatever name known, may create a separate board or may designate certain officers of said municipality to have the supervision and control of the operation of the works constructed under the authority of this chapter, […]
180.135 Utility services; refusal or discontinuance of services for nonpayment of service charges by former occupant of rental unit prohibited; unpaid service charges of former occupant not to be basis for lien against rental property, exception.— (1)(a) Any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, no municipality may refuse services or discontinue utility, water, or sewer […]
180.136 Water or sewer utilities; notice.—Before a local government water or sewer utility increases any rate, charge, or fee for water or sewer utility service, the utility shall provide notice of the proposed increase to each customer of the utility through the utility’s billing process. The notice shall state the date, time, and place of the […]
180.14 Franchise for private companies; rate fixing.—A private company or corporation organized under the laws of the state for any of the purposes recited in this chapter, may construct, operate and maintain such works provided for in this chapter, within or without the corporate limits of any municipality, upon application by such company or corporation to […]
180.15 Liability of private companies.—Any private company or corporation constructing or operating any of the works provided for in this chapter, within or without the corporate limits of any municipality, shall be liable for all damages occasioned by the acts, negligence or injury to the rights of other persons, firms or corporations in the same manner […]
180.16 Acquisition by municipality of property of private company.—When a municipality has granted to a private company or corporation a privilege or franchise, as set forth in s. 180.14, if at the expiration of the term of the privilege or franchise and after petition of the private company or corporation, the municipality fails or refuses to […]
180.17 Contracts with private companies.—Any municipality may contract by and through its duly authorized officers with any private company or corporation which is organized for any purpose related to the provisions of this chapter, and may contract with said private company or corporation for the construction or use of such works authorized by this chapter. History.—s. […]
180.18 Use by municipality of privately owned utility.—Whenever a private company or corporation shall construct or operate any of the works authorized by this chapter, the municipality wherein the same shall be constructed or operated shall not use the said works in any manner except by and with the consent of the private company or corporation […]