753.01 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, the term: (1) “Clearinghouse on Supervised Visitation” or “clearinghouse” means the entity within the Institute for Family Violence Studies in the School of Social Work of the Florida State University, which serves as a statewide resource on supervised visitation issues by providing technical assistance, training, and research. (2) “Department” means the Department […]
753.02 Clearinghouse responsibilities and authority.— (1) The clearinghouse shall have the following responsibilities, subject to the availability of resources: (a) To develop standards for supervised visitation programs in order to ensure both the quality of each program and the safety of children and families using program services. (b) To serve as a clearinghouse on resources and research of supervised […]
753.03 Standards for supervised visitation and supervised exchange programs.— (1) Within existing funds from the department, the clearinghouse shall develop standards for supervised visitation programs in order to ensure the safety and quality of each program. Standards must be uniform for all the programs and must address the purposes, policies, standards of practice, program content, security measures, […]
753.04 Interim minimum standards for supervised visitation programs.— (1) Until the standards for supervised visitation and supervised exchange programs are developed pursuant to this chapter and a certification and monitoring process is fully implemented, each supervised visitation program must have an agreement with the court and comply with the Minimum Standards for Supervised Visitation Programs Agreement adopted […]
753.05 Referrals involving child sexual abuse.— (1) Any supervised visitation program that wishes to accept referrals involving child sexual abuse must have an agreement with the court and a current affidavit of compliance on file with the chief judge of the circuit in which the program is located affirming that the program has agreed to comply with […]