948.001 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, the term: (1) “Administrative probation” means a form of no contact, nonreporting supervision. A court may order administrative probation, or the Department of Corrections may transfer an offender to administrative probation, as provided in s. 948.013. (2) “Child care facility” has the same meaning as provided in s. 402.302. (3) “Community control” means […]
948.01 When court may place defendant on probation or into community control.— (1) Any state court having original jurisdiction of criminal actions may at a time to be determined by the court, with or without an adjudication of the guilt of the defendant, hear and determine the question of the probation of a defendant in a criminal […]
948.011 When court may impose fine and place on probation or into community control as an alternative to imprisonment.—When the law authorizes the placing of a defendant on probation, and when the defendant’s offense is punishable by both fine and imprisonment, the trial court may, in its discretion, impose a fine upon him or her and […]
948.012 Split sentence of probation or community control and imprisonment.— (1) If punishment by imprisonment for a misdemeanor or a felony, except for a capital felony, is prescribed, the court may, at the time of sentencing, impose a split sentence whereby the defendant is to be placed on probation or, with respect to any such felony, into […]
948.013 Administrative probation.— (1) The Department of Corrections may transfer an offender to administrative probation if he or she presents a low risk of harm to the community and has satisfactorily completed at least half of his or her probation term. The department may establish procedures for transferring an offender to administrative probation. The department may collect […]
948.014 Requirement to submit to drawing of blood or other biological specimens.— (1) As a condition of probation, community control, or any other court-ordered community supervision, the court shall order offenders to submit to the drawing of the blood or other biological specimens when required under s. 943.325 as a condition of the probation, community control, or […]
948.015 Presentence investigation reports.—The circuit court, when the defendant in a criminal case has been found guilty or has entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty and has a lowest permissible sentence under the Criminal Punishment Code of any nonstate prison sanction, may refer the case to the department for investigation or recommendation. Upon such […]
948.03 Terms and conditions of probation.— (1) The court shall determine the terms and conditions of probation. Conditions specified in this section do not require oral pronouncement at the time of sentencing and may be considered standard conditions of probation. These conditions may include among them the following, that the probationer or offender in community control shall: […]
948.031 Condition of probation or community control; community service.— (1) Any person who is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor and who is placed on probation or into community control may be required as a condition of supervision to perform some type of community service for a tax-supported or tax-exempt entity, with the consent of such entity. […]
948.032 Condition of probation; restitution.—If a defendant is placed on probation, any restitution ordered under s. 775.089 shall be a condition of the probation. The court may revoke probation if the defendant fails to comply with the order. In determining whether to revoke probation, the court shall consider the defendant’s employment status, earning ability, and financial […]
948.033 Condition of probation or community control; criminal gang.—Effective for a probationer or community controllee whose crime was committed on or after October 1, 2008, and who has been found to have committed the crime for the purpose of benefiting, promoting, or furthering the interests of a criminal gang, the court shall, in addition to any […]
948.035 Residential treatment as a condition of probation or community control.— (1) If the court imposes a period of residential treatment or incarceration as a condition of probation or community control, the residential treatment or incarceration shall be restricted to the following facilities: (a) A Department of Corrections probation and restitution center; (b) A community residential facility that is […]
948.036 Work programs as a condition of probation, community control, or other court-ordered community supervision.— (1) Whenever an offender is required by the court to participate in any work program under the provisions of this chapter, enters into the pretrial intervention program pursuant to s. 948.08, or volunteers to work in a supervised work program conducted by […]
948.037 Education and learning as a condition of probation or community control.— (1) As a condition of community control, probation, or probation following incarceration, the court may require an offender who has not obtained a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma or who lacks basic or functional literacy skills, upon acceptance by an adult education […]
948.038 Batterers’ intervention program as a condition of probation, community control, or other court-ordered community supervision.—As a condition of probation, community control, or any other court-ordered community supervision, the court shall order a person convicted of an offense of domestic violence, as defined in s. 741.28, to attend and successfully complete a batterers’ intervention program unless […]
948.039 Special terms and conditions of probation or community control imposed by court order.—The court may determine any special terms and conditions of probation or community control. The terms and conditions should be reasonably related to the circumstances of the offense committed and appropriate for the offender. The court shall impose the special terms and conditions […]
948.04 Period of probation; duty of probationer; early termination; conversion of term.— (1) Defendants found guilty of felonies who are placed on probation shall be under supervision not to exceed 2 years unless otherwise specified by the court. No defendant placed on probation pursuant to s. 948.012(1) is subject to the probation limitations of this subsection. A […]
948.041 Notification of outstanding terms of sentence upon termination of probation or community control.—Upon the termination of an offender’s term of probation or community control, the department must notify the offender in writing of all outstanding terms at the time of termination to assist the offender in determining his or her status with regard to the […]
948.05 Court to admonish or commend probationer or offender in community control; graduated incentives.— (1) A court may at any time cause a probationer or offender in community control to appear before it to be admonished or commended, and, when satisfied that its action will be for the best interests of justice and the welfare of society, […]
948.06 Violation of probation or community control; revocation; modification; continuance; failure to pay restitution or cost of supervision.— (1)(a) Whenever within the period of probation or community control there are reasonable grounds to believe that a probationer or offender in community control has violated his or her probation or community control in a material respect, any law […]