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Home » US Law » 2022 Florida Statutes » Title XXVI - Public Transportation » Chapter 348 - Expressway and Bridge Authorities » Part IV - Santa Rosa Bay Bridge Authority (Ss. 348.965-348.9781)

348.965 – Short title.

348.965 Short title.—This part shall be known and may be cited as the “Santa Rosa Bay Bridge Authority Law.” History.—s. 1, ch. 84-354.

348.966 – Definitions.

348.966 Definitions.—As used in this part, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the term: (1) “Agency of the state” means and includes this state and any department of, or corporation, agency, or instrumentality heretofore or hereafter created, designated, or established by, this state. (2) “Authority” means the Santa Rosa Bay Bridge Authority. (3) “Bonds” means and includes the notes, […]

348.967 – Santa Rosa Bay Bridge Authority.

348.967 Santa Rosa Bay Bridge Authority.— (1) There is created and established a body politic and corporate, an agency of the state, to be known as the “Santa Rosa Bay Bridge Authority,” hereinafter referred to as the “authority.” (2)(a) The governing body of the authority shall consist of seven members. Three members shall be appointed by the Governor […]

348.968 – Purposes and powers.

348.968 Purposes and powers.— (1)(a) The authority created and established by the provisions of this part is granted and shall have the right to acquire, hold, construct, improve, maintain, operate, own, and lease all or any part of the Santa Rosa Bay Bridge System, hereinafter referred to as the “system.” (b) It is the express intention of this […]

348.969 – Bonds.

348.969 Bonds.— (1) Bonds may be issued on behalf of the authority as provided by the State Bond Act. In the alternative, the authority may issue bonds pursuant to the provisions of subsection (2). (2)(a) Bonds of the authority issued pursuant to the provisions of this subsection, whether on original issuance or on refunding, shall be authorized by […]

348.97 – Lease-purchase agreement.

348.97 Lease-purchase agreement.— (1) In order to effectuate the purposes of this part and as authorized herein, the authority may, but shall not be required to, enter into a lease-purchase agreement with the department relating to and covering all or any part of the system. (2) Any lease-purchase agreement may provide for the leasing and ultimate sale of […]

348.971 – Department may be appointed agent of authority for construction.

348.971 Department may be appointed agent of authority for construction.—The department may be appointed by the authority as its agent for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the system and for the completion thereof. In such event, the division shall provide the department with complete copies of all documents, agreements, resolutions, contracts, and instruments […]

348.972 – Acquisition of lands and property.

348.972 Acquisition of lands and property.— (1) For the purposes of this part, the authority may acquire private or public property and property rights, including rights of access, air, view, and light, by gift, devise, purchase, or condemnation by eminent domain proceedings, as the authority may deem necessary. The right of eminent domain herein conferred shall be […]

348.973 – Cooperation with other units, boards, agencies, and individuals.

348.973 Cooperation with other units, boards, agencies, and individuals.—Express authority and power is given and granted to any agency or instrumentality of the state, county, municipality, drainage district, road and bridge district, school district, or other political subdivision, board, commission, or individual in or of this state to make and enter into contracts, including interlocal agreements, […]

348.974 – Covenant of the state.

348.974 Covenant of the state.—The state does hereby pledge to, and agrees with, any person, firm, corporation, or federal or state agency subscribing to or acquiring the bonds to be issued by the authority for the purposes of this part that the state will not limit or alter the rights hereby vested in the authority and […]

348.9751 – Remedies; pledges enforceable for bondholders.

348.9751 Remedies; pledges enforceable for bondholders.—Any holder of bonds issued under the provisions of this part, except to the extent such rights may be restricted by the resolution, deed of trust, indenture, or other proceeding relating to the issuance of such bonds, may by civil action, mandamus, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding in law […]

348.9761 – Exemption from taxation.

348.9761 Exemption from taxation.—The accomplishment of the authorized purposes of the authority created under this part is, shall, and will be in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state for the increase of their commerce and prosperity and for the improvement of their health and living conditions. Since the authority will perform […]

348.9771 – Eligibility for investments and security.

348.9771 Eligibility for investments and security.—All bonds issued by the authority shall be and constitute legal investment for state, county, municipal, and all other public funds, and for banks, savings banks, insurance companies, executors, administrators, trustees, and all other fiduciaries, and shall also be and constitute securities eligible for deposit as security for all state, county, […]

348.9781 – This part complete and additional authority.

348.9781 This part complete and additional authority.— (1) The powers conferred by this part shall be in addition and supplemental to the existing respective powers of the authority, the department, and the county, if any, and this part shall not be construed as repealing any of the provisions of any other law, general, special, or local, but […]